Saturday, October 31

How to help end the occupation

take action today

Israeli Forces are executing Palestinians – men, women and children - in cold blood. More than 60 Palestinians have been killed so far this month.Amnesty International’s latest report documents incidents of summary executions of Palestinians.

You may remember the video of an unarmed Palestinian woman, surrounded then shot by Israeli police. Israeli authorities have confirmed that not only was she innocent of any wrong doing but the Israeli police officer who shot her will enjoy impunity and face no charges.

Palestinian women in Jerusalem have described living in a “state of fear and horror” as Israel “regularly executes Palestinians in the streets”, and have asked for "the protection of our bodily safety and security when in our homes, walking in our neighborhood, reaching schools, clinics, work places and worship venues.” There are reports of Israeli soldiers planting knives next to bodies, and Palestinians left to bleed to death.

Please write to your MP and ask them to help end these crimes. We are asking MPs to tell the Foreign Secretary to step up and act against Israel’s state killings.

Together we must send a clear message that the Foreign Secretary must employ the effective, non-violent tool of sanctions to counter the Israeli State’s weapons of violence, dispossession and impunity – to end Israel’s violations of human rights and international law.

Contact your MP today.

The more messages we can send to our MPs the more powerful our voice will be.

We are already making amazing strides in support of the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions. BDS is a peaceful yet effective way for us to support Palestinians as they strive for lives of peace, justice and hope

Boycott, divestment and sanctions is the most effective way we can make a difference.

Help us to pressure the Foreign Secretary to support sanctions on Israel

This week over 300 academics signed up to pledge that they will support the Palestinian call for boycott within their work. And that list just keeps growing!

Even one of Israel’s biggest cheer leaders, the  Washington Post is publishing articles supporting  a pro-BDS stance.

This week PSC has hit the Guardian printed letters with some of the compelling reasons why everyone should support this peace movement.

However, the BBC’s Director of Television, Danny Cohen, signed a letter, also in the Guardian, asking for Israel to be protected from boycotts.This is a breach of the BBC’s requirement that staff maintain impartiality on the subject of Palestine and Israel.PSC’s Amena Saleem examines the support of Cohen and other senior BBC figures, past and present, for Israel

Support BDS, support peace and support justice today.

Email your MP.

Please help us grow, any contribution big or small goes along way and is greatly appreciated!

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