Take 40 minutes to watch the videos!

This is not the first time family members stick together. Ahed and her younger brother challenged Israeli soldiers who kidnapped their older brother earlier (the other older girl is cousin Marah Tamimi)
The Tamimi children ofcourse are like any other children interested in living their lives on their land and having access to their water spring things denied to them by a brutal colonial racist occupation. HERE ARE THE CHILDREN helping us in studying nature and biodiversity in their beautiful village:
Yesterday (Saturday) we were protesting with the Palestinian Presbyterian Church, other churches (including Archbishop Atallah Hanna), and activists the illegal “sale” of church property near Al-Aroub. Also yesterday Falastinyat organization held a memorial for Naji Al-Ali in his deethnically cleansed village of Al-Shajara under the tree where he used to play as a child (he is the creator of Handala cartoons). Today (Sunday) we were protesting in Beit Jala were occupation soldiers used violence and arrested three people who were peacefully protesting. The uprooting of 2000+ year old olive trees to build an apartheid wall and confiscate 3000 dunams of land in Beit Jala is a crime against humanity. These are videos from the scene (please note how some people come merely to be interviewed in the media and the local people pay the price of the resistance):
http://youtu.be/-YNKvmp4HGg (my own video, I was knocked down at one point)
Mazin Qumsiyeh
Professor and Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Bethlehem University
Tel 972-22773553
http://youtu.be/-YNKvmp4HGg (my own video, I was knocked down at one point)
Mazin Qumsiyeh
Professor and Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Bethlehem University
Tel 972-22773553
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