Sunday, June 21

The Museum at Bethlehem University first trip to Europe

Ramadan Kareem to all Muslims from the Palestine Museum of Natural History, Bethlehem University. May this month bring blessings to ALL people. 

Below is my tentative schedule in Europe the next two weeks (Munich, Leipzig, Berlin, Frankfurt, Heidelberg, Zurich, Dornbrin, Vienna). I also have non-public/other events but please contact me if you would like to arrange something in those cities or want to help out. Also send me any contacts you may have in the listed cities. My goals are 1) Promote the work of the Palestine Museum of Natural History, Bethlehem University (, and 2) publicize my book  out now in German: “Kanaan. Ein gemeinsames Land. Menschenrechte und der israelisch-palästinensische Kampf”. In the latter book I discuss reconciliation and peace based on justice and human rights. At bottom are two reports about how BDS can help bring that about.

Monday 22 June - Munich
9 AM Vosot Zoological State Collection give lecture at 11 AM on Building a Palestine museum of natural history under politically difficult circumstances: focusing on research, education, and conservation;
15:15-16:30 25 minute talk at Rachel Carson Center, Leopoldstr. 11a, 80802
19:30 h Palestine days “Volkswiderstand – der gewaltlose Kampf um gleiche Rechte“. Mazin Qumsiyeh lehrt und forscht an den Universitäten von Bethlehem und Birzeit im besetzten Palästina. Er ist Vorsitzender des Palästinensischen Zentrums für die Versöhnung der Völker und Koordinator des Volkskomitees gegen Mauer und Siedlungen in Beit Sahour. Sein Buch „Sharing the Land of Canaan: Human Rights and the Israeli-Palestinian Struggle“ (2004) ist gerade auf deutsch erschienen: “Kanaan. Ein gemeinsames Land. Menschenrechte und der israelisch-palästinensische Kampf.“. Mazin Qumsiyeh: Persönlich glaube ich, daß eine vernünftigere und gerechtere Lösung, die alle Probleme wie die Kontrolle über Jerusalem und die Rückkehr der Flüchtlinge regeln könnte, in der Gründung eines demokratischen und säkularen Staates für Israelis und Palästinenser bestünde.

Tuesday 23 June Leipzig
18:00-22:00 Informal gathering /talk/social (location to be determined) 

Wednesday 24 June - Leipzig
9 AM Naturkundemuseum Leipzig / Natural History Museum
18:00 Lecture (in Arabic) at LeipzigUniversity Institute of Oriental Studies: “Sharing the Land of Canaan: the future after  apartheid and conflict”

Thursday 25 June - Berlin
9:30 AM Museum fur Naturkunde for meetings with scientists and other staff all day. Include lecture at 11 AM: "Palestine Museum of Natural History: addressing biodiversity, environmental conservation and sustainability in a politically unstable environment"

Friday 26 June - Frankfurt
19:30 Lecture on book “Kanaan: Ein Gemeinsames Land” at

Saturday 27 June
09:00 -15:00 Visit Senckenberg Naturemuseum Frankfurt
19:30 Lecture about the book “Kanaan: Ein Gemeinsames Land” in Heidelberg. Community Hall of St. Bonifatius Church, Hildastr. 6 , Heidelberg.
Sunday 28 June Zurich
17:00 Café Palestine Zurich monthly event and dinner, Grossmünsterplatz 1 

Monday 29 June Zurich
10:00 – 14:00 Visit and tour botanical garden and museum
Tuesday 30 June Zurich 
09:00 Visit Zoological Museum and Museum of Paleontology

Wednesday 1 July – Dornbirn
Lecture about the book “Kanaan: Ein Gemeinsames Land” in Heidelberg (check with us in two days for location/time)

Thursday 2 July Vienna 

Friday 2 July Vienna

Saturday 4 July - Depart from Vienna to Amman

Official reports: Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Could Cost Israel $4.7 Billion a Year and indeed frce it to accept international law and stop violating basic human rights:

Mazin Qumsiyeh
Professor and Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Bethlehem University
Tel 972-22773553

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