Tuesday, June 23

Another Church Destroyed by Israel - Christians In The West Remain Silent!

Jewish settlers burn, destroy Catholic Church on the banks of the Galilee sea

NAZARETH, (PIC)–Extremist Jewish settlers at dawn Thursday burned the Catholic Church of Tabgha, which is located on the banks of the Galilee sea.
Jewish settlers burn, destroy Catholic Church on the banks of the Galilee seaMedia sources said the arson attack caused heavy material damage to the Church, pointing that attackers spray-painted anti-Christian remarks on its walls. Hebrew graffiti was found, reading “the false gods will be eliminated”, and material damage was inflicted on the church.
Israeli police claimed that an investigation will be opened into the arson attack.
The Israeli police usually say that they will carry out investigations when these attacks take place. To date, however, not a single settler has ever been prosecuted for such serious crimes.
The attack targeted the Church of the Multiplication which is believed by Christians to be the site of Jesus miracle of multiplying two fish and five loaves to feed 5,000 people.
This is not the first time that Israeli right-wingers have destroyed churches and church property. Numerous arson and graffiti attacks were carried out in the past against Christian sites, as well as against Arab property in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem under the “price tag” slogan.
The term “price tag” is used by Jewish extremists to describe vandalism or attacks typically carried out against non-Jews or their property.
Source: PIC 



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1 comment:

  1. More Zionazi activity playing with people's lies and religions. It is now clear as a bell sound that the Benji regime wants all Christians and Muslims out of illegal lands stolen by the Zionists of Theodor Herzl's imagination.
    There is no Israel. The land claimed as Israel a lie and always will be.
