Friday, April 17

Your support is needed urgently Hands Off the Lancet

Dear everyone:

As you probably know, the attacks against Richard Horton and the Lancet have continued unabated since Jul 2014.

And at this stage, it is becoming necessary to go public with a response to the latest complaint to Reed Elsevier which summarizes the issue beginning July, in defense of Richard and the Manduca letter publication in the Lancet during the onslaught on the Gaza Strip  in the summer of 2014 (An open letter for the people of Gaza), and asserting the importance of not stifling  medical journal editors and debates.

Our response is now public, and we are soliciting supporting signatures.

Please go to the following website to read our response:

We urge you to endorse our response by signing on.

Should you be willing to endorse , please go to the indicated section on the website entitled SUPPORTING SIGNATORIES which follows immediately after the names of the Writing Group and click  the word 'here' to access the page ADD YOUR NAME TO THE LIST OF SUPPORTING SIGNATORIES.

Please distribute widely as we would appreciate as many supporting signatures as possible soon.

Many thanks.

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