Thursday, March 12

Comparing Zionists to ISIS not so outlandish, after all

I would say it’s accurate, but who am I to judge?
The head of communications for the Joint Arab List party, Raja Za’atra, caused an outrage on Tuesday when he compared the Islamic State to the Zionist movement and claimed Hamas was not a terror organization.
During a political panel organized by the Bar Ilan University’s student union, Za’atra said: “Where do you think Daesh (Islamic State) learned these things?”
After someone in the audience responded with “From you!”, Za’atra continued: “Look for what the Zionist movement did in 1948. The rape, the looting, the murder… the exact same things.”
* * *
The Zionist Union issued a harsh denunciation of Za’atra’s comments. “We expect the heads of the (Arab) list to immediately renounce these outrageous comment comparing Israel and the Islamic State, as well as his remark that Hamas is not a terror organization,” the party said in a statement. “The comparison between beheaders who have no humanity, to a nation that was reborn and made many contributions to the world, is intolerable and points to ignorance and hatred.”
Meanwhile, over in Herzlliya . . .
Avigdor Lieberman, who has in the past described Israel’s non-Jewish minority as a “fifth column”, sparked controversy during a speech in the coastal town of Herzliya, a week before Israel’s election. “Those who are with us deserve everything, but those who are against us deserve to have their heads chopped off with an axe,” he said.
Who would have guessed? Comparing Zionists to ISIS is not so outlandish after all.


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