Many of the readers of my weekly emails ask that I tell them what is going on here and I do but I am also focused on what we (every one of us) can do to change circumstances and not just here but around the globe. I try to make suggestion for actions but I believe fundamental transformation in our societies is needed to transform our world from this suicidal path we are going down (wars, conflicts, climate change, consumerism etc). Sometimes it is very difficult to effect transformation in societies. Transformation comes from people but most people follow the their own minds which are shaped by preexisting conditions and prejudices. Most people (especially older ones) have limited capacity to change because they are trapped in their own minds which are shaped by years of conditioning through family, through religious teachings, through schools, and through a community.Early education is important but we also do not despair of changing adults starting with ourselves. Change is integral to life. We as a species can do better and must do better.
An important article about our Palestine Museum of Natural History published in the excellent magazine called "This Week in Palestine"
(even though the museum is not open to the public now, we welcome visitors by arrangement especially those who may help us through volunteer or other ways, see http://www.palestinenature.org )
(even though the museum is not open to the public now, we welcome visitors by arrangement especially those who may help us through volunteer or other ways, see http://www.palestinenature.org )
An article I wrote 5 years ago about the olives and the olive harvest
Under cover of reconstruction, UN and PA become enforcers of Israel's Gaza siege
Mazin Qumsiyeh
Professor and Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Bethlehem University
personal webpage http://qumsiyeh.org
Mazin Qumsiyeh
Professor and Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Bethlehem University
personal webpage http://qumsiyeh.org
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