Monday, July 14

Israel's real purpose in Gaza operation? To kill Arabs

Since the first Lebanon war over 30 years ago, Israel's main strategy has been killing Arabs. The current atrocious war in Gaza is no different.

The goal of Operation Protective Edge is to restore 
the calm; the means: killing civilians. The slogan of 
the Mafia has become official Israeli policy. Israel
 sincerely believes that if it kills hundreds of 
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, quiet will reign. It
 is pointless to destroy the weapons stores of Hamas,
 which has already proved capable of rearmament. 
Bringing down the Hamas government is an unrealistic
 (and illegitimate) goal, one that Israel does not want: 
It is aware that the alternative could be much worse. 
That leaves only one possible purpose for the military
 operation: death to Arabs, accompanied by the cheering
 of the masses.
The Israel Defense Forces already has a “map of pain,”
 a diabolical invention that has replaced the no less 
diabolical “bank of targets,” and that map is spreading
 at a sickening pace. Watch Al Jazeera English, a 
balanced and professional television channel 
(unlike its Arabic sister station), and see the extent
 of its success. You won’t see it in Israel’s “open” 
broadcast studios, which as usual are only open to
 the Israeli victim, but on Al Jazeera you will see
 the whole truth, and perhaps you will even be
The bodies in Gaza are piling up, the desperate, 
constantly updated tabulation of mass killing that
 Israel boasts of, which already numbers dozens of 
civilians, including 24 children as of noon on Saturday;
 hundreds of people injured, in addition to horror and
 destruction. One school and one hospital have already
 been bombed. The aim is to strike homes, and no
 amount of justification can help: It’s a war crime, 
even if the IDF calls them “command-and-control 
centers” or “conference rooms.” Granted, there are
 strikes that are much more brutal than Israel’s, but in
 this war, which is nothing other than mutual attacks 
on civilians — the elephant against the fly — there
 aren’t even any refugees. In contrast to Syria and 
Iraq, in the Gaza Strip the inhabitants do not have
 the luxury of fleeing for their lives. In a cage, there’s
 nowhere to run.
Since the first Lebanon war, more than 30 years ago, 
the killing of Arabs has become Israel’s primary
 strategic instrument. The IDF doesn’t wage war 
against armies, and its main target is civilian
 populations. Arabs are born only to kill and to be
 killed, as everyone knows. They have no other 
goal in life, and Israel kills them.
One must, of course, be outraged by the modus
 operandi of Hamas: Not only does it aim its rockets
 at civilian population centers in Israel, not only does
 it position itself within population centers — it may 
not have an alternative, given the crowded conditions
 in the Strip — but it also leaves the Gazan civilian 
population vulnerable to Israel’s brutal attacks, 
without seeing to a single siren, shelter or protected
 space. That is criminal. But the barrages of the Israel
 Air Force are no less criminal, on account of both the
 result and the intent: There isn’t a single residential 
building in the Gaza Strip that is not home to dozens
 of women and children; the IDF cannot, therefore, 
claim that it does not mean to hurt innocent civilians.
 If the recent demolition of the home of a terrorist in
 the West Bank still stirred a weak protest, now
 dozens of homes are being destroyed, together 
with their occupants.
Retired generals and commentators on active duty
 compete to make the most monstrous proposal: 
“If we kill their families, that will frighten them,” 
explained Maj.Gen. (res.) Oren Shachor, without
 batting an eyelid. “We must create a situation such
 that when they come out of their burrows, they
 won’t recognize Gaza,” others said. Shamelessly, 
without question — until the next Goldstone
A war with no goal is among the most despicable of 
wars; the deliberate targeting of civilians is among 
the most atrocious of means. Terror now reigns in 
Israel as well, but it’s unlikely there is a single Israeli 
who can imagine what it’s like for Gaza’s 1.8 million
 inhabitants, whose already miserable lives are now
 totally horrific. The Gaza Strip is not a “hornet’s 
nest,” it is a province of human desperation. Hamas
 is not an army, far from it, despite all the fear tactics:
 If it really did build such a sophisticated network of
 tunnels there, as is claimed, then why doesn’t it 
build Tel Aviv’s light rail network, already?
The 1,000-sortie and 1,000 tons of explosives 
marks have almost been reached, and Israel is 
waiting for the “victory picture” that has already
 been achieved: Death to Arabs.

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