Thursday, July 17

If You Are Canadian Here Are Five things you can do to help Gaza

Like us, many of you are probably upset and heartbroken by the recent violence which has resulted in over 213 Palestinian deaths, 1 Israeli death, and over 1400 injured. Worse, the Canadian government stands blindly with Israel as the carnage continues. If you feel helpless to try to stop the violence which threatens both Palestinian and Israeli lives, here are five things you can do from Canada: 

1. Send an email to MP by clicking here. You’ll see we suggest a text which you can edit to your liking. Our tool looks up your MP by postal code. Be sure to complete step 2 in the process to ensure your MP gets your email. 

2. Call your MPClick here to look up your MP by postal code, and then his/her telephone number. A call is extremely effective, as MPs take note of all communications on every topic. 

3. Sign our petition to the Canadian government, if you have not already. Our petition calls Canada to pressure for an end to the violence. Over 9000 people have already signed it. We sent the petition and signatures to all MPs earlier this week, but will send it again as the assault drags on, and as the signatures grow. 

4. Influence those around you – use our “8 Crucial Points about the conflict between Israel and Gaza” to jumpstart the discussion. Helping average people understand the legitimate grievances of the Palestinian people is key to changing public opinion over time. 

5. Get out in the street and demonstrate. There are demonstrations planned in the coming days across Canada. The full list of demonstration details can be found hereShow our elected leaders that they can't ignore the suffering and loss of life in Gaza and Israel.  

While it is easy to feel hopeless and overwhelmed, the people of Palestine need us to stand up for them. Palestinians will have justice one day, so let’s do our part to bring that day closer. 

Warmest regards, 

The CJPME Leadership Team
Email CJPME - CJPME Website

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