Friday, July 11

Avaaz: The Lobbyist that Masquerades as Online Activism

In the digital era, activism has turned into clicktivism and Ricken Patel, founder of has capitalized on the globalization of the world through the internet. Avaaz claims to be a “world in action” that brings the campaigning community together by empowering people through “decision-making worldwide”.

Avaaz has given a “voice” to those who do not want to join in actually protesting injustice in the world, but would rather organize within the comfort of their own home with online petitions that allegedly pressure elected officials are governments; similar to other websites like ResPublica, GetUp! and
Avaaz has become so influential that they were involved in disseminating propaganda with the proxy war in Syria. In fact, Avaaz has been supportive of the manufactured uprising in Syria that has made the Free Syrian Army (FSA) so successful.
Alice Jay, campaign director for Avaaz, claims that the Houla massacre was the work of the Syrian government by stating:
“Dozens of children lie covered with blood, their faces show the fear they felt before death, and their innocent lifeless bodies reveal an unspeakable massacre. These children were slaughtered by men under strict orders to sow terror. Yet all the diplomats have come up with so far is a few UN monitors ‘observing’ the violence. Now, governments across the world are expelling Syrian ambassadors, but unless we demand strong action on the ground, they will settle for these diplomatic half-measures.”
The response expected by Avaaz is explained in that occupation of Syria would stop such violence. Jay says: “The UN is discussing what to do right now. If there were a large international presence across Syria with a mandate to protect civilians, we could prevent the massacres while leaders engage in political efforts to resolve the conflict. I cannot see more images like these without shouting from the rooftops. But to stop the violence, it is going to take all of us, with one voice, demanding protection for these kids and their families. Sign the urgent petition on the right to call for UN action now and share this campaign with everyone.”
The FSA is made up of recruits found by the CIA-created al-Qaeda all over the Arab world, then trained in a facility in Turkey that is controlled by the CIA. These newly trained “freedom fighters” are shipped across the Turkish/Syrian border to become proxy terrorists. And Avaaz is there to offer support and facilitate the propaganda surrounding the mission in Syria to topple Bashar al-Assad’s government.
The Salafi terrorist cells are given different names depending on their location geographically (such as al-Qaeda, FSA, etc. . . ) so that the idea that they are separate is purveyed to the general public. However, they are subscribing to an extreme form of Islam that is encompassing in Saudi Arabia.
The Salafis being used in Syria are exceptionally violent and adhere to sectarianism with complete abhorrence for the US. This ideal is fostered because it helps to facilitate the psychological mindset necessary for manipulation.
In October it was discovered that the FSA are being armed by Saudi Arabia. The attack in Aleppo was actually funded with ammunition and weaponry from the US-aligned Middle Eastern nation. The FSA denies knowledge of how they came to obtain this shipment from Saudi Arabia; however it is fairly obvious that the Salafi extremists in their country are supporting the US-backed terrorist faction. Saudi officials have also declined comment thinking that refusal to speak will correspond with their ignorance. Yet, Saudi ammunition has been used since the inception of the CIA-trained “rebels” paid for my “foreign aid” from the US and British governments.
Avaaz also showed their support of European Union sanctions imposed onto Syria for the purpose of devastating their economy, impoverishing their citizens and facilitating an uprising that would justify more violent reactions from the CIA-terrorist faction FSA.
Patel believes in using the exponentially growing number of internet users to his advantage with online petitions and propaganda slogans; as well as the ability to syphon donations from ignorant members to the tune of $13.5 million annually and $3 million during fund-raising events. While Avaaz claims to facilitate the individuality of protesters, it uses mob-mentality tactics to create a large online community of people who will defend the organization.
Patel also consults with the UN; the Rockefeller Foundation; the Gates Foundation; globalist-colleges like Harvard University, Oxford University; and CARE International.
In February, Avaaz began a petition against the BDS Movement, a “global movement for a campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with international law and Palestinian rights was initiated by Palestinian civil society in 2005.”
BDS supports the efforts of the Palestinian people to be free of the genocidal tyranny imposed over them by the Zionist-controlled Israeli government. And Avaaz is against this fight for freedom. Avaaz’s online petition promised to pressure elected officials in favor of Israeli settlers who were being “discriminated” against by the Palestinian people. The backing of the occupation of Israel in Palestine is foremost to Avaaz.


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