Friday, December 13

Israel/CIA vs. Mandela! Dynamic Duo TV news shreds the myths

The major event of the past week was the passing of Nelson Mandel, the heroic figure who ended apartheid in South Africa after spending 27 years of his life incarcerated on the basis of information provided to the South African authorities by our own CIA.  Some Israeli assets, in a predictable move, sought to identify Mandela as “one of their own”, which is outrageous given the extreme form of apartheid practiced by Israelis against the Palestinian people…and the fact that Israel was the world’s staunchest backer of South African apartheid, going so far as to jointly develop race-specific bioweapons as well as nuclear weapons with the apartheid regime. That the nation in the world that most represents everything that Mandel fought against should want to benefit from his death is disgusting.
Obama’s speech at Mandela’s memorial left out the CIA’s responsibility for putting Mandela in prison for most of his adult life. Maybe that’s because Obama is himself a lifelong CIA asset?
For a combination of reasons–including the seemingly interminable US intervention in Middle East, the fiasco of Obamacare here at home, and other actions, such as the use of drones in violation of other nation’s sovereignty–the US has achieved a new low in polling of its standing for leadership in the world. One more reason may well be that Obama submitted a petition in a court case to grant his successor, George W. Bush, complete immunity for any crimes that he may have committed.
Symour Hersh has now reported what we were reporting six months ago, namely, that Obama “cherry picked” the evidence to support his case for intervention in Syria, just as Bush “cherry picked” his proof to justify US intervention in Iraq–and we know how that has played out. In another striking move, Clear Channel, which owns a vast number of radio stations across the country–and banned some 200 songs by the likes of Peter, Paul and Mary, Joan Baez and Bob Dylan from use after 9/11--is replacing liberal and progressive shows in San Francisco with right-leaning programs, which the FCC should not allow but undoubtedly will let stand since the abandonment of the “fairness doctrine” in 1987.
That the CIA’s “anti-terrorism” program has turned out to be a complete flop should come as no surprise to those who know a subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Intelligence released a report on 3 October 2012 reporting that its review of 680 fusion center reports from across the country revealed not even a single instance of domestic terrorist activity.  But the effects of the massive anti-terrorist campaign, including by use of “no fly” provisions bu the TSA, which have destroyed more than one career, as illustrated by the case ofan Indonesian Ph.D. student at Stanford, whose life was upended by the arbitrary denial of her right to fly, or even to testify about it in her own case, which is the first to address the legality of the “no fly” policy.
The image of an octopus smothering the world well represents the NSA suffocating surveillance of the world’s population, which is grotesque in its dimensions and ramifications.  Meanwhile, Iran has reached out to the UAE as another aspect of its diplomatic initiative, which is making the Israelis and the Saudis, who oppose it, most uncomfortable. That Bandar and Bibi are putting together a fund of $6 billion to support the overthrow of the Assad government therefore comes as no surprise. It is surprising, however, that a vast reserve of oil has been found under Palestinian land, which the Israelis unsurprisingly claim as their own.
Given the gross misconduct of Israel on the world’s stage, why does it come as no surprise that the US is increasingly its funding of Israel’s anti-missile systems by some $179 million and that Israel is joining as a member of the UN Commission on Human Rights.  Something is very wrong when actions like these take place.  Vladimir Putin, on the other hand, is planning to ban members of his administration from owning foreign assets, which is widely interpreted as a form of opposition to the growing reach of the Rothschild’s banking empire. Other positive developments include thatthe Pope is cracking down on pedophile priests and Italian police have refused to crack down on EU protestors.
The situation in Fukushima seems to be grown worst by the day. But a surprising discovery has been made in 9/11 research, where the guest on Jim Fetzer’s “The Real Deal” invited his attention to photographs of “the falling man”, widely broadcast and discussed at the time, where the footage shows him falling from some building other than either of the Twin Towers.  This building has horizontal layers, including those of windows much larger than the tower windows, where the fraud becomes apparent when you take a closer look. While we believe there were jumpers and that some videos, like this one, have been faked, we do not subscribe to the theory that all of the New York videos were faked.  For those who want to know more about the assassination, a new study has just appeared, “JFK at 50: The Who, the How and the Why”, which is now available on-line.

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