he turned back, and looked
them, and cursed them in the
name of the LORD. And
came forth two she bears out
the wood, and tare forty and
two children of them.—2
The most educated segment of Israeli society hits back at Zion. Expectedly, they chose the printed media for that, in an effort that if attempted in Europe, it would be classified as anti-Semitic and their perpetrators will probably be gassed to death.
Ultra-Orthodox Jews have recently been forced to join the Zionist army.+ This violation and their having been left out of Netanyahu's new coalition++ had created a feeling of danger amid them.
The Zionist bears arose from the uneducated masses of Jews in Europe, their indefatigable violence, even against their own,* is a reminder of that. They were never trusted by the studious, and this last year provided plenty of justifications for that.
Bear standing next to IDF symbol: "Comrades! From today, you are our ambassadors... it is time to take off the separation fence between sheep and bears... enough of conservative education..."
Sheep (r): "Bravo! Finally, we had joined the bears' super battalion! How is their food?"
Sheep (l, with religious kippah skullcap): "The truth is that I already broke all my teeth, but we will do everything for Bear Tzumi."
Allow me to skip secondary Hebrew jokes. The core message is that Zion corrupts. Sheep don't eat meat, yet they are being forced to do so by the Zionist bear.
Assassin's Creed Bear Game
Sheep (r): "Bravo! Finally, we had joined the bears' super battalion! How is their food?"
Sheep (l, with religious kippah skullcap): "The truth is that I already broke all my teeth, but we will do everything for Bear Tzumi."
Allow me to skip secondary Hebrew jokes. The core message is that Zion corrupts. Sheep don't eat meat, yet they are being forced to do so by the Zionist bear.
Assassin's Creed Bear Game
Wolf: "It is true that I promised to take care of them! But I am responsible only for those staying in the framework day and night... all others should go to hell..."
Sheep (bottom right): "I almost shouted 'Bears Out!' It is good that father told me not to scream!" Sheep (bottom left): "Why should you scream! They love us! On the contrary, go to the bears and prove to everybody that nothing happens, that one can remain a sheep in their camp..." Ropes of Sand, America's Failure in the Middle East |
On October 29, 2013, comics that appeared in Ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods reached the mainstream Hebrew media. The comics is quite sophisticated, portraying Zionists as bears.
Most Zionists would giggle foolishly while hearing this, failing to see that they are being defined as child-eating monsters. He turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them is written in 2 Kings 2:24.
Other characters in the comics are sheep, which represent Ultra-Orthodox Jews and an openly evil wolf, apparently representing the Elders of Zion. His best friend is a hyena, Hebrew symbol of hypocrisy.**
Wolf: "Comrades, calm down... I take personal responsibility, whoever wants to remain a sheep will be able to remain a sheep..."
Hyena: "The bears don't hate you at all. They just want to help you..." Sheep (r): "Oh My! The bears want to attract us to them forcibly and then they will kill us..." Sheep (thinking): "I think that living amid the bears is worthy! They eat barbecue all the time while we have only straw. I want to be strong and big as a bear..." Sheep (second left): "I think that the only salvation is to absolutely distance ourselves from them" Sheep (left): "Great! Mr Wolfy and Mr. Hyenay, you came just on time!"
Related: Holocaust, the Comics
Did you know? Anne Frank's Cult Backfires
Back Bear: "Comrades! It is almost 70 years that we are suffering here the herds of sheep, that are procreating at an alarming rate..."
Bear Left: "It is forbidden to allow this to continue! We must bring them here forcefully and kill them one by one!" Bear Right: "The natural growth of the sheep worries me more than a nuclear bomb. We must get rid of them [in wrong Hebrew, mocking illiterate Zionists]" Assassin's Creed Bear Game |
Bear Right: "I won't calm until all the sheep would be here on the table..."
Bear Thinking: "Funny, there is no doubt that the media backing of the enrolling Ultra-Orthodox is part of this success..." Bear Left: "The food that we fed him changed him for good! He is really special... I am excited [sexual undertone] exactly like when I heard him singing HaTikva [Zionists' National Anthem, usually banned by Ultra-Orthodox] for the first time..." Sheep summarizes: "Now everybody can see that I remained a sheep... They truly love me, and it is not in a casual manner... they love me barbecued!" At the bottom: "To be continued in Hell's Quarters" Holocaust, the Comics |
Make no mistake, the comics is allowed to be distributed because at its core it portrays the sad reality enforced on Ultra-Orthodox Jews by Zionists. The latter cannot win a libel lawsuit on this topic even in their own courts. Ultra-Orthodox are intensifying their anti-Zionist educational campaign hoping to keep their sons out of the Zionist army.
After the recent elections, a prominent government minister gave an astonishing interview warning of a civil war in Israel (see Israeli Minister: "There will be a civilian revolution"). He said "There will be a civilian revolution. There will be protest rallies of thousands and tens of thousands on the streets, thousands of yeshiva students will fill up the prisons, the military police will run amok in Bnei-Brak [trapping those refusing recruitment in a town populated by Haredim], there will be a civilian revolution and andralomusia [from Greek, androloimosso, used here in the sense of chaos]. The worst thing is that those [Haredim] who go to the army now, will stop immediately."
Mr. Bear, Mr. Wolf, Mr Hyena, how many sheep can you eat before the ground under your feet collapses under the weight of your filthy fat? Just don't say six million.
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