Friday, November 8

3 ACTIONS and key information for Palestine

3 ACTIONS and key information

Many items but lots of things happened and we included few key ones in this weekly message. You can simply pick items of interest and click and act.

Action 1: Defend free speech and human rights and support the BDS

Action 2: Boycott SodaStream Days of Action Nov. 29-December 10
(PS Sales of this apartheid company are disappointing and stock price
is shaky, let us push harder)

Action 3 (for USA citizens): The Friends of Wadi Foquin Need Your Help!


Thanks to efforts of activists, the City of St. Louis did not hire
Veolia to manage its Water Division. This is a major Boycott,
Divestment and Sanctions victory

 Latin American writers say Israel must abandon “colonial” Zionist ideology This and other good news and action items at the website of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel

Ahmed Kathrada, one of the longest serving political prisoners of the South African anti-apartheid struggle and current spokesman for the Mandela family, appeals for the release of Marwan Barghouti and all
other Palestinian political prisoners.

Swiss forensic report on Arafat's death: The 108-page report by Swiss scientists who say their data supports the theory that Arafat was poisoned with polonium.

(on a side note, in 2004 I was at Yale Medical School and presented this case briefly to a group of hematopathologists/colleagues who all
concluded that such rapid deterioration without any evidence of an underlying pathology in an otherwise healthy individual is most consistent with toxic chemical or radiation exposure)

26 pictures of Palestine from 120 years ago in color lithographs
(before Zionist colonization)

I work with bats (my first book was published in 1985 and was on “The Bats of Egypt”) and we measure echolocation frequencies as ways of identfication.  He is a child who went blind from retinoblastoma early in childhood and who developed echolocation as a way to “see” the
world around him.

[Colonialism goes on as the charade goes on…] Abbas promises Kerry not to pull out of peace talks: Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat denies threats to resign and cause collapse of talks over new settlements. “On Thursday, Channel 10 and Palestinian news agency
Ma'an reported Erekat tendered his resignation before Abbas but that the latter rejected it. What actually transpired was a little different. According to Israeli officials, Erekat did not deliver a resignation letter, but instead tossed out a verbal statement at a PLO meeting.”
see also

Analysis: What future for the Oslo Model?

Note: I will be in Belgium the next few days and so out of reach by phone but will respond to emails

Mazin Qumsiyeh
Professor, Bethlehem and Birzeit Universities

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