Friday, October 25

Yellen to be Nominated As Third Consecutive Jewish Federal Reserve Head

by Bob Johnson

Janet Yellen, a Jewish economist and the Vice Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, is Obama’s nominee be the new chair of the Federal Reserve. She will be, if nominated, the first woman to lead the Federal Reserve in its 100 year history.

Janet Yellen, the third consecutive Jew to run the American economy as head of the Federal Reserve scam.
The Federal Reserve is an unconstitutional organization of international bankers. I’m not going to delve into that important aspect of the Federal Reserve. However, a good book about it isThe Creature From Jekyll Island.
The first Jew to head the Fed was appointed by Herbert Hoover in 1930, Eugene Meyer. Yellen will be the third consecutive Jew to run the Federal Reserve and the American economy. Alan Greenspan became the Chairman of the Fed in 1987 and held the position until 2006 when B.S. (Ben Shalom) Bernanke took over. If Yellen is appointed, which there is no real reason that she will not be approved by the kosher plutocrats in the US Senate, the US economy will have been in the hands of Jews for the last 27 years. When we stop and realize that Jews only make up about 2% of the US population, we begin to realize just how much this is against the odds.
There is reason to be concerned about having Jews run the US economy. For example, Yellin is active in the Jewish community and in Jewish interests. What are Jewish interests? To learn that we need to look at the Hebrew/Jewish Bible, the Old Testament.
The driving concern and force of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament is the well-being and promotion of Jews and Israel. This is made evident in the most immoral and ungodly way by the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament teaching on slavery. Leviticus 25:44-46 claims God told the Jews/Hebrews regarding owning slaves, “Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession. And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour.” In other words the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament teaches Jews they can own Gentiles and our children as slaves and that our (Gentile) children will be an “inheritance” for Jews and their children, but Hebrews/Jews cannot own fellow Jews as slaves. When Yellin is questioned by the Senate she should be asked if she endorses this anti-Gentile Biblical teaching.
Another Hebrew Bible teaching she should be asked if she endorses is Isaiah 60:12 which falsely claims God said that any nation that does not serve the Jewish state of Israel “shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted.”  If she believes this teaching from her Hebrew Bible, the negative implications for the US and the world are obvious. In fact, she should be asked about all of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament teachings which promote Jewish superiority and Israel over all. It’s time for “holy” books to have innate God-given reason applied to them.
The question of Israel is growing in importance. Already most people watch what they say because they are afraid of being labeled “anti-Semitic” and now one of the key Jewish organizations which brought that anti-free speech reality about, the Anti-Defamation League, is targeting people who are critical of the war-mongering Jewish state of Israel with a “Top 10 List” of anti-Israel groups.
Realizing that the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament is key to the neoconservative movement which is responsible for the US war against Iraq which was fought for Israel’s security, the beliefs in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament of powerful people in government are very important and have very real consequences.
The American founder and Deist Thomas Paine wrote in his landmark book on God, Deism and religion, The Age of Reason, The Complete Edition, regrading the Jews in the Old Testament that “the Jews never prayed but when they were in trouble, and never for anything but victory, vengeance and riches.” This dangerous mind-set permeates the Old Testament, Judaism and the Israel first mentality currently poisoning the US government and too much of the world today. It is the cause of much of the world’s religious violence and needs to be corrected.

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