Sunday, October 20

Tide of peace leaving Israel behind

In a blow against the Zionists’ plan to choke portions of the Iranian economy completely unrelated to Iran’s nuclear energy program through their control of the U.S. Congress and a shot against Zionists’ hegemonic desire for U.S. war on Iran, the Court of Justice of the European Union has overturned some of the European sanctions against Iran.

Press TV has conducted an interview with E. Michael Jones, from Culture Wars online magazine, in Indiana, about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech at the UN.
Jones notes: If Iran is not perceived as a threat, that reduces all of Israel’s leverage and all of their control over American foreign policy.
I think this was a brilliant move on the part of President Obama similar to what Nixon did when he went to China. Defusing this threat, it automatically decreases the power of the Israel lobby over the United States foreign policy and that’s something that I think he’s been trying to do for a long time now, asserts Michael Jones.
The following is an approximate transcript of the interview.
Press TV: I just mentioned some of the key points that Benjamin Netanyahu was saying and an interesting part is where he sets conditions for what he calls a diplomatic solution on Iran.
What do you think about those conditions that he outlined there, especially when he calls the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani a liar saying that he talks a lot, but is not taking enough action?
Jones: I think the conditions are unacceptable and I think he knows they are unacceptable and I think the whole point of this is to make any type of peaceful agreement impossible by setting demands that are too high that no nation could ever agree to.
I think that’s what his plan is. His plan is to make sure that peace doesn’t break out. There is a great fear among the Israeli lobby right now that peace might break out as a result of Obama’s phone conversation with President Rouhani and his statement to Netanyahu that they are going to pursue this overture and see where it leads.
Press TV: It is very interesting because the bulk of that speech was basically about Iran, the Iranian president, the Iranian government, the Islamic Republic.
What do you think that says about the amount of concern – we could even call it obsession in the way that Premier Netanyahu is talking about it – that Israel has about Iran?
Jones: If Iran is not perceived as a threat, that reduces all of Israel’s leverage and all of their control over American foreign policy.
I think this was a brilliant move on the part of President Obama similar to what Nixon did when he went to China. Defusing this threat, it automatically decreases the power of the Israel lobby over the United States foreign policy and that’s something that I think he’s been trying to do for a long time now.
Press TV: In line with what you’ve just said, he said that if Iran does acquire nuclear weapons, it’s going to have an appetite for aggression, I’m quoting here, it’s going to create a situation where nuclear weapons are going to be used and proliferated in the Middle East and that would be very dangerous.
And this is quite ironic because right now Israel is considered to be the sole possessor of nuclear weapons in that same region.
He is referring to Iran as an aggressive state, saying that Iran has conducted, perpetrated or planned terrorist attacks around the world and ironically Israel itself is being accused as the power in the Middle East that is conducting wars in Lebanon and in Gaza; it has created a lot of instability right now.
So, how do you think, comments like this that Iran is being aggressive or that Iran has intentions to wage wars, how acceptable do you think these kinds of comments are to the international community?
Jones: I think the whole world is starting to see through Israel’s orchestration or attempt to orchestrate events in the Middle East. I think the one thing that Netanyahu did say that was the truth is that he said he came here to spoil the party.
I think the world changed over that weekend in September when the Pope had that prayer vigil; and then suddenly Obama decided that he’s not going to attack; and suddenly Putin is a big player and they’re going to dismantle (Syrian chemical weapons)… all these things changed the world.
And what you saw at this point is that the tide is now flowing in the opposite direction.
Last Friday President Rouhani was on the cover of the New York Times. Everybody wants peace now, nobody wants another war. The only people that want the war are Israel and the Israel lobby and they’re not part of the party anymore.
The tide is flowing in a different direction and now they all come across as kind of petulant angry warmongers that the tide is just leaving behind.
Press TV: We know it’s one thing for the international community, the IAEA or the relevant bodies to come and investigate Iran’s nuclear facilities or to find out if there is actually any evidence to support claims that Iran might be developing nuclear weapons.
But it’s another thing when an entity like Israel, which has nuclear weapons is asking Iran to stop its nuclear program, which Iran says is entirely for peaceful purposes and the IAEA up until now hasn’t found anything to determine that it is a nuclear weapons program.
So, the question that is raised here is why should Israel be questioning Iran’s nuclear program and actually Iran to entirely end or halt its entire nuclear program?
Jones: Well, the crucial factor here is in provoking an attack, so that there can be no discussion because if there is discussion then the disparity between reality and what Israel is saying is going to come out.
Yes, Israel has nuclear weapons. The president of Iran is asking them to admit that they have nuclear weapons and then to sign the same accords Iran has signed.
Once the discussion proceeds down this way and once we’re not going to have a hair-trigger attack on Syria – which I think was the purpose of that false-flag operation – I think we’ll see things heading toward a peaceful solution in the Middle East. At least I think that’s what’s happening.
I think that’s why Netanyahu had to rush over here and make sure that peace doesn’t break out.
Press TV: He did make an interesting remark there as well he said, Israel will stand alone if it has to when confronting Iran.
Do you think that there is a sense there that Israel may be actually thinking that it’s going to be isolated now that relations seems to be going where between Iran and the United States?
Jones: Yes, they are isolated, that’s true. But if by ‘stand alone’ he means attacking Iran by himself – Israel attacking Iran by itself, that’s not going to happen.
They’ve been trying to get the United States to attack Iran or years now because they know they can’t do it themselves and certainly now when this tide of public opinion – the zeitgeist, is heading toward peace, they can’t do it now.
So, if ‘stand alone’ means military option, no, they’re just blowing smoke.
Press TV: A lot has been asked about the recent comments by President Barack Obama after he met Benjamin Netanyahu. Iran is seeing that as a negative change of tone by President Obama, he said that all options are still on the table including the military option.
Even earlier on Susan Rice, the US national security advisor said that Obama has not recognized Iran’s right to enrich uranium. And this coming after that historic phone contact between Iran and the US, so do you think that President Obama by making these kinds of statements, is actually following what Iran calls a ‘flip flop’ policy on Iran and is not serious about rapprochement?
Jones: I think they are serious. I think this is for the consumption of the Israel lobby and because Benjamin Netanyahu is sitting in a chair in the same room with him. I think he has to say these things to appease these people, the Israel lobby, which is still very powerful in the United States, but I think he is going to take this seriously.
I think he has been looking for a way to break the power of the Israel lobby for his entire time in office. It’s not an easy thing to do. The Congress is still under the thumb of these people.
But again, I can’t underestimate the power of the zeitgeist, the power of the spirit of the times that I think is now determining the way people think. That’s the message that you get from reading this piece in the New York Times – about how charming President Rouhani is and how it’s all different than when Ahmadinejad came to the United Nations and so on and so forth.
You can’t underestimate the power of the ideas flowing in this direction.
Press TV: A major question here would be, how far is the president or the United States willing to go when it comes to action? I mean, we just heard Mr. Netanyahu saying that sanctions should only be lifted, in his words, if Iran fully dismantles its nuclear program etc.
Iran has been saying, of course, that it’s not going to discontinue its uranium enrichment program. It views that as its right, its natural right according to the NPT.
So, do you think Obama is going to go s far as lifting the sanctions on Iran and at the same time recognizing Iran’s right to enrichment?
Jones: I think he’s under pressure from the European Union at this point. The Court of the European Union has declared the sanctions illegal. The European countries have a limited amount to appeal this decision.
If this goes through, if they lift the sanctions, the United States has no power to re-impose them. The United States cannot impose sanctions all by themselves. If one country breaks ranks, or if the Europeans break ranks, then everybody is going to be rushing to the door to want to do business with the Iranians.
America is a commercial Republic; they do not want to be left out in the cold when other people are making money. So, this is the pressure on the other side of the pressure Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to exert at this point. And I think that this economic pressure from the Europeans is going to carry the day.
I think that what Obama is looking for is an excuse to end the options, which will diminish the power of the Israel lobby and get America back doing business with the Iranians again. I think that’s what he wants to do.

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