Joshua the son of Nun sent out of Shittim two men to spy secretly—Joshua 2:1
"Phase is everything in life," a physicist friend told me once. While watching a nearby Hamiltonian, I found it impossible to refute his claim. In sharp contrast, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu learned that truth only on October 27, 2013, when he was forced to scrap a secondary "Spy on America" program. Timing is key for most events, and despite what he may think, Bibi is not a locksmith.
IAC Yakking
As often happens in the intelligence world, the event was hidden under layers of deception and was open for everybody to see. This time Israel operated under the name IAC, an acronym for the California-based Israeli American Council.
Their website defines "The IAC mission is to build an active and giving Israeli-American community in order to strengthen the State of Israel, our next generation, and to provide a bridge to the Jewish-American community."
In 2007, the private, nonprofit group was established by Israelis living in Los Angeles. Its main supporter is Israeli-American businessman Haim Saban, who donated almost one million dollars in the past four years.
In September 2013, the IAC announced it would expand all over the United States, and announced a special survey to help it in the process. Casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson finances the group's expansion.
Mr. Adelson is a major contributor of PM Netanyahu.+ However, even this was a secondary link between the questionary and Israel. The event was openly supported by Israel's Immigrant Absorption and Foreign Affairs Ministries, and as shown in the snapshot above, it features the emblem of Israel (see Un-Branding Israel). This event justifies raising as many eyebrows as one has. This state-support is as odd++ as the previous sentence.
Israel Day Parade on New York's Fifth Ave., June 2, 2013
In ignorant fervor, marchers wear shirts with a hand printed on them; this looks like a common Israeli derogatory mark made on themselves
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IAC is not Yak-Shaving America
On October 22, IAC’s Chief Operating Officer, Miriam Belsky, sent an email to the Israeli embassy in Washington with a link to the survey. She requested that Israeli consulates in the U.S. would distribute it with four reminders, one every three days, to force replies from at least 10 percent of their mailing lists.
Mossad Recruiting Ad in Hebrew media
The apparently innocent survey, conducted by Midgam ("survey population"), which had been hired by IAC and was endorsed by Israel, contained explosive questions.
The first relates to claims of "dual allegiance" to both Israel and the United States, it asks the Israeli-Americans to define their national identity.
The second was related to the powerful American Jewish lobby, in an attempt to disclose the Israeli-Americans relation with Jewish-Americans. Most Israeli-Jews consider American-Jews as partial-Jews.*
It also asked whom the respondents would support publicly if there was a crisis in the relationship between the U.S. and Israel, and to what extent the presidential candidates or Congress members' attitudes toward Israel impact their voting decisions.
Since the survey and IAC expansion were supported by the Israeli Government, on the same day Ms. Belsky sent her email, , the Israeli consulates in the United States received instructions from the embassy in Washington and the Immigrant Absorption Ministry’s Returning Citizens' Department to email the survey link to tens of thousands of Israelis and Jews on their mailing lists.
The pattern is obvious. The State of Israel was screening out Israeli-Americans and to some extent also American-Jews regarding their positions in the relations between the countries. It looks as the first stage of a recruiting effort by Mossad; Israel has a weakness for spying on the USA. The survey was a slightly disguised recruitment ad. Suitable answerers would have been approached discretely and they would have never guessed the link.
On October 27, the survey was hurriedly cancelled by order of an unidentified senior Israeli official. In Israeli jargon, such a phrasing goes to the top. In this case PM Netanyahu.
Mossad Recruiting Ad
Phase is everything in life
USA Embassy, Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany
Used to Monitor German Chancellor Angela Merkel's mobile phone since 2002 The Spy Who Loved Us: The Vietnam War and Pham Xuan An's Dangerous Game |
Phase is everything in life. This time, Israel committed a lame error. It was lame because the event that apparently resulted in the hurried—but temporary—cancelation of the operation was on the headlines for a while.
On the morning the survey was cancelled, the BBC headline read "NSA: New reports in German media deepen US-Merkel spy row." The report claimed that the American Embassy in Berlin, was home to a US listening unit monitoring German Chancellor Angela Merkel's mobile phone since 2002.
The scandal is huge, especially since it was disclosed that Obama himself had allowed the illegitimate action. Next week, Germany is sending its top intelligence chiefs to Washington to push forward an investigation into the spying allegations.
Timing is everything; Israel's bad-timing spoiled its own operation. It wouldn't have taken too long for many of the people who got the odd survey to realize what its real goal was. It wouldn't have taken too long for one or two of them to approach American media with a story capable of softening the German scandal. America would have used the unexpected gift and said "you see, everybody does that." Thanking God for America's slowness, Bibi scrapped his little spying operation.
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