Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed—Genesis 17:17
Roi Tov
Few people expected to see the ridicule of the USA 2000 Presidential Election+ surpassed in their lifetime. Yet, it happened on October 8, 2013.
It was the day before the elections in Azerbaijan. Incredibly, the country's Central Election Commission sent through its official smartphone app the elections results without waiting for the people to vote.
The fake report by the State's organization claimed that President Ilham Aliyev had won for the third time with almost 73% of the vote. Next day, the people voted. On October 10, with about 75% of the votes counted, the same committee proved that its precognition powers were faulty, when it improved the result, claiming now that Mr Aliyev had won nearly 85%.
Tomorrow, they may announce a 99.99% victory. Nothing less is good enough for the man whose family runs Azerbaijan for four decades, since Soviet times. It is his democratic birth-right.
In 2003, he had inherited the democratic presidency from his father. "Bush, Aliyev; America, Azerbaijan; same, same," voters were heard saying while making sure the Secret police was not listening.
Azerbaijani Central Election Commission sent out the results through its official smartphone app one day before the voting started, courtesy of meydan.tv
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Anti-Democratic Forces Attack the Elected Candidate
Baku Voters
Memories of Baku |
Jamil Hasanli, the leading opposition candidate, said that the election was not free due to electoral fraud and government control of television channels, and called for the results to be cancelled over vote-rigging.
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) officially reported that were clear indications of ballot box stuffing in 37 polling stations and reported counting problems at 58% of the polling stations they inspected. In their press release, they claimed that the democratic event was "undermined by limitations on the freedoms of expression, assembly and association that did not guarantee a level playing field for candidates."
In other words, anti-democratic forces unable to understand the international importance of Mr. Aliyev in the American-NATO-Israeli War on Terror are trying now to spoil a victory unmatched since that glorious day in which Emperor Bush II won. Fakers protecting fakers.
Israel's Kolkhoz
The largest country in the Caucasus region, Azerbaijan is at the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe. This Turkic republic is formally secular, though its population is mainly Shia Muslim. Considering this, one would expect this tiny country to be a close ally of its almost neighbor, mighty Turkey; or even of the nearest Shia country, its neighbor to the south, Iran.
Jamil Hasanli
Opposition Leader Lonely Planet Georgia Armenia & Azerbaijan |
Yet, after it got independence from the Soviet Union in late 1991, Azerbaijan was quickly recognized by Israel. Relations entered a new phase in August 1997, during the visit of Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Baku. Since then, Israel has been developing tight ties with Azerbaijan, having helped to modernize the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan. Israel provided battlefield aviation, artillery, antitank, and anti-infantry weaponry to Azerbaijan.
In 2012, Israel and Azerbaijan signed a deal for the sale of $1.6 billion in Heron drones, and anti-aircraft and missile defense systems to Azerbaijan by the state-run Israel Aerospace Industries. This sum is almost 2% of Azerbaijan GDP.
Beginning the talks between the countries after the fall of the USSR was easy; they have much in common. Azerbaijan has a non-contiguous territory; the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic is enclosed between Armenia and Iran. The latter features a small enclave within Armenia. Then, Armenia has a similar enclave within Azerbaijan's main territory. Adding to this is Nagorno-Karabakh, an area that includes some 16% of Azerbaijan's territory. Populated mainly by Armenians, after the 1988-1994 Nagorno-Karabakh War it became a de facto independent republic.
There are similarities in the complex Azerbaijan-Armenia situation to the one existing between Israel and Palestine. Cooperation in administrative and security issues was an expected step between Israel and Azerbaijan; it opened the door to an unholy alliance between these unlikely friends.
Moreover, Israeli companies are active in the Azerbaijani energy sector. For example, Modcon Systems, an Israel-based supplier of high technology to the oil and gas industries, has a branch in Azerbaijan. This is hardly surprising when considering Azerbaijan provides almost 20% of Israel's oil. In the few years since they recognized each other, Israel became the fifth largest trading partner of Azerbaijan. These two have become Absolute Friends
They became so close that Azerbaijan backs Israel against its closest Shia neighbor, Iran. On March 2012, Azerbaijan arrested 22 suspects in a plot to attack the Israeli and U.S. embassies in Baku, the country's capital. Azerbaijan's National Security Ministry said that Iran's Revolutionary Guards were behind the plot; he added that three men, Rasim Aliyev, Ali Huseynov and Balaqardash Dadashov, had received smuggled arms and equipment from Iranian agents. The action was apparently planned as retaliation to the recent assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists. However, the minister didn't provide any proofs.
Uncle Sam's "I Want You" in Arabic
Azerbaijan as an American-Israeli Kolkhoz Kolkhoz were soviet collective farms, their own version of a kibbutz Blood Red Snow: The Memoirs of a German Soldier on the Eastern Front |
One month before that, the same ministry said it had arrested several activists belonging to the Iranian intelligence service and Hezbollah; he claimed that they were suspected of planning terrorist attacks against foreigners in Baku. No proofs were provided.
Two months before that, three men were detained after planning to attack two Israelis employed by a Jewish school in Baku. No proofs were provided.
In 2008, there was a foiled plot to bomb the Israeli Embassy in Baku, which is located in a high-rise building along with theThai and Japanese embassies. Even if there were proofs they wouldn't be credible.
Azerbaijan continuously appears in news related to Israel and Iran, including as a provider of airports to the IAF during a highly unlikely Israeli Attack on Iran.
The link is strategic in both directions. Between 1967 and the overthrow of the Iranian Shah, the Trans-Israel pipeline, running between Eilat and Ashkelon, was used to transport crude oil from Iran to Europe. Since 2003, Russia uses it to supply Asian markets. Tankers from Novorossiysk deliver their oil in Ashkelon and then the oil is reloaded onto tankers in Eilat for shipment to Asia. This route is shorter than the traditional one around Africa, and cheaper than via the Suez Canal. How is this related to Azerbaijan?
In 2005, the Baku–Tbilisi–Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline connecting Azerbaijan to the Turkish port of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean Sea was inaugurated. The pipeline can be used for transshipment of Azerbaijani oil via the Trans-Israel pipeline. The oil is then transported to Eastern Asia, similarly to what is now being done by the Russians. Israel desperately needs Azerbaijani oil and Azerbaijan depends on Israel for expanding its oil markets.
Despite historical and cultural links, Iran cannot help Azerbaijan in this, mainly due to the ongoing Western sanctions on Iranian oil operations. Israel may be pressing for further sanctions in order to ease–let’s say lubricate–its developing ties with Azerbaijan. In this constellation of events, the alliance between Israel and Azerbaijan was almost inevitable.
Expectedly, in the developing Eastern Mediterranean Gas Fields Affair, Azerbaijan joined the Israeli alliance, against Iran, which supports Lebanon.
According to a 2009 U.S. diplomatic memo, made public through Wikileaks, Mr. Aliyev compared Azerbaijan's relationship with Israel to an iceberg: "Nine-tenths of it is below the surface." He was referring to the secret-police cooperation. Israel has set and helps to manage a human intelligence network in the area. In other words, the Israeli Shin Beth has access to Azerbaijan as if it were the West Bank. Azerbaijan is Israel's newest Kolkhoz.
With such large economic and terrorist issues depending on Azerbaijan's remaining a close friend of Israel, the latter couldn't let Mr. Aliyev lose. The State manipulation was so deep and brutal, that the hereditary-democratic candidate didn't even bother to campaign. The fraud was that obvious, that one day before the elections, the BBC nicknamed him the "pre-determined president."
On October 10, President Aliyev won the elections. No proofs were provided.
+ On December 12, 2000, the landmark United States Supreme Court decision on the case Bush v. Gore resolved the USA 2000 Presidential Elections in favor of George W. Bush. It was the fourth election in which the electoral vote winner did not also receive a plurality of the popular vote. The decision was taken by a judge appointed by the would-be-president's father, who was also a president. It is hard to see here democracy in action (we all remember the ridiculous recounting process in Florida) or even justice in action. In America's questionable legal system, nepotic politruks run the scene. See Prison America.
Does the USA keep the Separation of Powers that is essential to the proper function of a state? The very obvious classification of American judges upon partisan lines tells us that not. The American judiciary system is an extension of its political system and subordinated to it; its judges have been degraded to mere politruks—Soviet political officers
—cleansing society from undesired opinions.
Does the USA keep the Separation of Powers that is essential to the proper function of a state? The very obvious classification of American judges upon partisan lines tells us that not. The American judiciary system is an extension of its political system and subordinated to it; its judges have been degraded to mere politruks—Soviet political officers
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