Wednesday, October 16

Big national lobby + BBC + EU action

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The Palestine Solidarity Campaign works for peace & justice for Palestinians, in support of human rights & against all racism
Big National Lobby – are you part of it?
lobby of Parliament
Wednesday 27th November, 2-6pm, Parliament, London
On Wednesday 27th November hundreds of supporters of Palestine will gather together in Parliament to call on MPs to take action for Palestinian human rights and against ethnic cleansing and racism. Make sure you are part of it!
We will be campaigning for Government and Parliament to apply the principles of equality, human rights and international law when it comes to Israel.
We will be calling for:
  • MPs to challenge the ethnic cleansing of 40,000 Palestinian Bedouin from the Naqab(also known as the Negev)
  • A ban on settlement goods
  • Respect for Palestinian prisoners’ rights and a end of the abuse of children in Israeli military custody
  • Urgent action to end the crisis in Gaza, and a complete end to the siege
So far, 41 MPs have been asked for meetings in Parliament from as far afield as Northern Ireland! Make sure your MP is one of them. At you will find all the information you need to get involved.
Getting organised for Christmas!
Christmas card 
Our new  Palestine Solidarity Campaign Christmas cards have just arrived!
Get your orders in now and we’ll get them off to you in the next week. They are £3 for a pack of 5 and £12 for a set of 25.
Call 0207 700 6192 to order over the phone or fill in and email or post back the website order form.
You can view the full version of the Palestine Christmas card.
EU Guidelines – have you emailed your MEPs yet?
Last week we asked you to email your MEPS to support the EU guidelines, due to come into force in January 2014, which aim to stop Israeli projects in illegal West Bank settlements from being granted EU research funds, awards, prizes or loans. MEPs are under incredible pressure from the US Secretary of State and other friends of Israel to reverse these plans. Thousands of letters have already been sent. Thank you. But if you haven’t yet emailed your MEPs please do so today. If you have, then please forward to your family & friends. It is very important that the EU stands firm. 
apartheid road
Public consultation: Media Ownership and Plurality
Christmas card 
Do you think the BBC’s monopoly on news coverage should be challenged?
Should an organisation which is unable to report clearly, fairly and impartially on Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land enjoy a monopoly which sees its news output reaching 81% of the UK each week?
Take part in the government’s public consultation on media plurality and have your say.
News and events
Unison tells G4S: stop doing business with Israel | PSC
Why did BBC let Simon Schama make “moral case for Israel” unchallenged?| EI
Yasser Arafat's belongings have traces of polonium, say Swiss scientists | Guardian
"Swiss scientists have given details about the traces of a radioactive substance found on personal items belonging to Yasser Arafat, adding to claims that the late Palestinian president was poisoned by Israel."
It is not uncommon for Israeli intelligence services to carry out assassinations. Here a former Mossad agent reveals how a plan to assassinate Khaled Mashaal with poison was foiled.
New Knesset spells bad news for Palestinian rights | The Hill
On October 14, 2013, the Israeli Knesset will begin its winter session with 35 pending bills that attack the rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel, as well as Palestinians living in the Occupied Territories.
Wednesday 16 October - Health Crisis: Occupied Gaza
Sherrington Bldg, University of Liverpool Medical School, L69 3GE, Liverpool
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Friday 18 October - Film Screening: The Time That Remains
Cafe Crema, 306 New Cross Road SE14 6AF, London
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Saturday 19 October - Boycott the Veolia Wheelie-Bins Street Stall
St Marks Road, BS5 6JH , Bristol
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Saturday 19 October - Weekly Protest Against Sodastream
Outside Sodastream/Ecostream shop, 142 Western Road, Brighton
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Thursday 24 October - Film screening: Children in Chains
Griffiths Room, Digby Memorial, Church Hall, Digby Road, DT9 3NL, Sherborne
Read More
Advance Notice - UK Speaking Tour 10 to 20 November  - Palestinian Child Prisoners: How the Israeli military criminalises a generation
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