“I don’t believe that the Jewish State and Modern Zionism would have been possible without Christian Zionism. I think that the many Christian supporters of the rebirth of the Jewish State and the ingathering of the Jewish people in the 19th century made possible the rise of…modern Jewish Zionism.”—Benjamin Netanyahu[1]
…by Jonas E. Alexis
Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins
Benjamin Netanyahu, the man who has been a pathological liar with respect to Iran’s nuclear program, was telling the truth here.
By the middle of the 19th century, the birth of Dispensational Premillennialism made Zionism ideologically possible and acceptable among mainline Protestants.
Tim LaHaye, Jerry Jenkins and Hal Lindsey did not invent that system. As we shall see in the series, it has been around for at least one hundred years,[2] and date-setters with their failed predictions have always found fresh audiences to propagate the system as well.
There is also a lot of money to be made. Historian Paul Boyer has noted that by 1979, apocalyptic books had become a lucrative industry.[3]
Tim LaHaye has been known to trade his Christian value for the almighty dollar. He sued a Canadian Christian film company, but the federal judge threw the case out of court.
LaHaye also hired people like Michael Ovitz, who worked for celebrities like Michael Douglas, Tom Cruise, Kevin Cosner, Madonna, Barbra Streisand, Sylvester Stallone, and Steven Seagal, in order to get a forty-five million dollar deal with one of New York’s major publishing houses, Bantam Books.[4] Born into a Jewish family, Ovitz was former president of Walt Disney from 1995 until 1997.[5]
LaHaye got into trouble in the 1980s because it was reported that he received $10,000 from Bo Hi Pak, a sort of protégé of the late Korean-born religious leader Sun Myung Moon.[6] Moon was widely known in the Protestant evangelical world to be a cult leader.[7]
LaHaye disappointed mainline Protestant evangelicals by getting funds from Moon’s organization. Later, LaHaye accepted the invitation of being on the board of directors of Moon’s group, Christian Voice. Moon also had other branches, and LaHaye was happy to join in. Beverly, LaHaye’s wife, “spoke at a Moon event in Washington, D.C., as recently as 1996.”[8]
By 2002, the marriage between the secular and the sacred for the almighty dollar was two sides of the same coin with respect to Jewish ideology. Many big secular companies tried for years to get their hands on big-time Christian booksellers, and sometimes those secular publishers refuse to publish the big ones only when it comes to the conversion of the Jews.
Jewish spokesman for Random House, Stuart Applebaum, recalled that as a publicist for Bantam Books in the 1970’s,
“I did not want to work on a book that was advocating conversion of Jews to Christianity. I just personally didn’t want to work on a book like that.”[9]
Sun-Myung Moon
Applebaum’s brother, Irwyn, took a different view in 2002. He paid Tim LaHaye $45 million for a series of new novels. It was obvious, then, that LaHaye would return the favor in a positive light.
LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins have a rabbi declaring in Glorious Appearing, “Jesus will judge you Gentiles on how you have treated His chosen people. Those who honored the Jews are the sheep, and those who did not are the goats.”[10]
This sheep-and-goats illustration is taken from Matthew 25 in the New Testament, and the passage does not even mention Jews. It is talking about those who obeyed Christ’s commandments and those who do not. For ideological and lucrative purposes, LaHaye and Jenkins have turned the passage into something that it is not and in the process have desperately and foolishly made it compatible with Christian Zionism.
What we are progressively seeing here is that people like LaHaye and Jenkins have been bought with a price in order to say these kinds of things. Even the New York Times noticed that a large section of evangelical books were aiming at big bucks and in the process were not dealing with serious issues, but with “vernacular psychotherapy.”[11]
By 1988, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, which owns big-time publishers such as HarperCollins and HarperOne, bought Zondervan, the Christian publisher. By 2011, the same company had also bought Thomas Nelson “for an undisclosed sum.”[12] In 2006, Thomas Nelson’s music business was also bought for $473 million, and now has Jane Friedman as its CEO.[13]
Rupert Murdoch worked closely with Israelis to destroy rival competitors,[14] and we know that Murdoch’s company has been involved in hacking as well,[15] although the Murdoch family denied they were aware of the illegal activity.[16]
This was not just one incident, but involved “phone hacking, e-mail hacking and paying bribes to public officials at two Murdoch-owned tabloids, The Sun and the now-defunct News of the World.”[18] Right after the public was made aware of these activities, protesters outside a London court put out signs which said “End the Murdoch Mafia.”[19]
It was later discovered that Rebekah Brooks, former head of the Murdoch newspaper and a close friend of Prime Minister David Cameron, was charged “with perverting the course of justice in the phone hacking scandal.” It was said that Brooks, who has been arrested twice for the same charges, “tried to hide or destroy files and equipment”[20] in order to absolve herself and the company from illegal activities.
The political vectors, then, seem to be quite obvious: although David Cameron has criticized Israel and called the Gaza strip a “prison camp,” his Jewish associates seem to have convinced him to take a different view. TheEconomist reported:
“The other Mr Cameron is Israel’s loyal friend. That version was on display on March 2nd, when the prime minister spoke to the Community Security Trust, a British Jewish group. He said his ‘belief in Israel’ was ‘indestructible’; discussing Israel’s security needs, Mr Cameron veered away from the European consensus towards the sort of robust view more typically heard in Washington, DC. He said Israel was ‘within its rights to search vessels bringing cargo into Gaza.’”[21]
Rebekah Brooks
Brooks, along with another Murdoch associate named Andy Coulson, was to be charged with paying $160,000 in bribes to public officials.[22] Yet even after all this, Brooks was found “not guilty.”[23] Right after she resigned from her hacking job, Brooks got a whopping $17.5 million exit package.[24]
In other words, it is very hard for some Zionists to spend some time in jail. And if they did actually go to jail, the neo-Bolsheviks will try very hard to get them out. Hosni Mubarak for example has already been released from his jail cell.[25]
Mubarak was a Zionist shill as soon as he ascended to the dictatorial throne and even liquidated opposing parties. During his reign, people were held captive without trials, torture places were built, and opposing views simply had no chance.[26] During the 2011 Egyptian uprising, the Mubarak regime tortured multiplied hundreds of people across the country.
In addition, “More than 1,000 people, including many prisoners, are said to have gone missing during the 18 days of the revolt. Scores turned up in Egypt’s morgues, shot or bearing signs of torture. Many have simply disappeared, leaving behind desperate families who hope, at best, that their loved ones are serving prison sentences that the government does not acknowledge” [27]
The Associated Press reported last year:
“Under Mubarak, tens of thousands of political prisoners were detained under emergency laws that expired last week after 31 years in force.”[28] An Egyptian rights group declared,
“Torture is the official state policy and not only the responsibility of an officer here or there. The same torture practices were repeatedly used in detention centres… including ‘beatings, flogging, burning with lit cigarette butts, rape threats, covering eyes, stripping the detainees naked… Sexual abuse and rape were common, particularly in fighting Islamists such as the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood,’”[29]
During those dark times, Susan Fayyad, director for the Nadim Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence, declared,
“Torture in Egyptian police station is regular, systematic, and widespread. Every person who walks into a police station risks falling victim of torture.”[30]
And Both Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch admitted that torture was rampant under Mubarak.[31]
The Neo-Bolsheviks financially supported torture in Egypt
Mubarak– just “chilling” in jail.
Yet Newsweek reported that the Obama administration gave Egypt $1.5 billion in 2010.[32]The New York Times reported the same thing.[33]Why? Because the Mubarak regime “supports America’s pro-Israel policies, especially by helping Israel maintain its stranglehold on Gaza.”[34]
In other words, Mubarak was paid by the neo-Bolsheviks in America to do Zionism’s dirty work.
Mubarak himself was reported to have amassed somewhere between 40 to 70 billion dollars over a period of thirty years. Amaney Jamal of Princeton notes that “There was a lot of corruption in this regime and stifling of public resources for personal gain.”[35]
Mubarak also “had close relations” with Israeli Prime ministers “Yitzhak Rabin and Benjamin Netanyahu.”[36]After Mubarak eventually left his political dictatorship, Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli government even offered him political asylum.[37]
When the Egyptian people finally rose up to challenge the Mubarak regime in January 2111, an incident which led to a public demonstration,[38] Jewish historian David Cesarani declares:
“The outcome of a Tiananmen Square-style crackdown is desirable and is predictable.”[39]
Just in case you don’t remember what a Tiananmen crackdown actually is, it is a military crackdown where civilians and peaceful demonstrators can be brutally and severally beaten and clubbed to death. This was what happened in China in 1989 when the government massacred protestors.[40]
This actually shocked Brendan O’Neil of The Telegraph, England. “And there has been no outrage. No Twitter-storm, no blog-based apoplexy, no heated radio phone-ins,” wrote O’Neil.[41] Not only that, Matthew Taylor, a former advisor to Tony Blair, declares that Cesarani was “incredibly brave” and “in a way, I can see his argument.”[42]
Imagine a David Irving making such a remark on Jews or any other people, what would have happened to that person? Certainly O’Neil got a point when he said that those who are crying out for democracy in the Middle East, particularly the neoconservatives who pushed the war in Iraq, are not indeed looking for democracy but are trying to implement their own ideology.[43]
The Definition of Chutzpah
Going back to Murdoch, who was one of his trusted advisors? It was none other than Joel Klein, Chancellor of the New York City Department of Education, which also happens to be the largest public school system in the United States. Klein worked hand in hand with Murdoch’s company to incorporate a new system called Wireless Generation.
This “Wireless Generation” was supposedly seeking to implement education software into the system, which the majority of school teachers opposed. In 2011, New York State was going to strike a deal with Murdoch’s company, but it was rejected because the company was still under investigation. It is said that Murdoch and Klein “became close friends,” and as such they understood each other with respect to public schools in New York in particular.
When the news broke that Murdoch’s company was charged with hacking, it was Klein who “advised on handling the scandal, sitting behind Mr. Murdoch during his first testimony before a parliamentary panel in summer 2011 and spending hours in London helping Mr. Murdoch prepare for a second round of questions last month.”[44]
In return, Klein amassed $4.5 million in 2011 alone from Murdoch’s company. Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, who has been watching these events very closely, declared that the scandal was “the definition of chutzpah.”[45] Perhaps rightly so. But this “definition of chutzpah” has crept in the Christian Zionist movement as well.
LaHaye is hardly the only person to have been duped by this definition of chutzpah. Many big Christian publishers found out in the early 1980s that talking about Dispensational eschatology means big business, and a number of them were ready to cash in on the trend.
Hal Lindsey’s Late Great Planet Earth (1970) sold more than 28 million copies, while movies of the same genre were sweeping the land. Apocalyptic books such as Destined for the Throne sold 650,000 copies.
John F. Walvoord’s Armageddon, Oil, and the Middle East Crises sold 750,000 copies.[47] Major Christian publishers rarely published non-Dispensational books largely because the market only accepts books that will sell well.[48]
Although many of the predictions in Walvoord’s book turned out to be false, the book still had a great impact on many evangelicals.[49] In the book, Walvoord argued that before the Armageddon countdown, “the Middle East must become the number one crisis in the world.”[50]
In a nutshell, the Christian Zionist movement would be happy if the Middle is in crisis, and some would be sad if the Middle East does not have crisis. What the Christian Zionist ends up saying indirectly is that it is a good when children are being blown up by drones, when civilians are being killed by the thousands, when heads are being chopped off by the Syrian rebels/terrorists. This is what happened to one Dispensationalist when he finally woke up and realized that what he was taught by Dispensationalists simply was wrong.
“I can remember coming down the mountain from L’Abri [Francis Schaeffer’s school] and expecting the stock market to cave in, a priestly elite to take over American government, and enemies to poison the drinking water. I was almost disappointed when these things did not happen.”[51]
As we shall see in the following articles, Christian Zionism or Dispensatioal Premillenialism cannot be understood without a thorough historical understanding of the Judaizing movement which got its jumpstart in the fifteenth century, culminating in the formation of the nation of Israel, and then dominating mainline evangelicals.
In the process, many mainline evangelicals literally have no clue of what is really taking place here. Others deliberately have signed pacts with the “Synagogue of Satan” for political and monetary purposes. John Hagee and Jerry Falwell are classic examples.
Christian Persecutions in Israel
Serious Christians have never been treated well in Israel. I have pointed out in an article that once a Jew in America becomes a non-Zionist Christian, he will be denied Israeli citizenship in Israel—even if his ancestors died in the Holocaust—yet any other Jew can get citizenship with no problem. Most evangelicals who have been duped by the Zionist ideology are not aware of this.
Ideologue Michael Oren, an Israeli ambassador to the United States, portrays Israel in a different light. He said:
“Christians are prominent in all aspects of Israeli life, serving in the Knesset, the Foreign Ministry and on the Supreme Court…Israeli Arab Christians are on average more affluent than Israeli Jews and better-educated, even scoreing higher on their SATs.”[52]
This has not been the experience of Fida Jirvis, a Palestinian Christian, nor has it been the experience of many non-Zionist Christian groups.[53] For example, Roy Tov used to serve at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel and wrote a book about the ideology of the Zionist regime. For that, “the Mossad targeted him for assassination.”
Tov declares that it is hard for an outsider to believe that “even the lives of secular Jews in Israel are regulated by Pharisaic rabbis. Israel lacks a constitution or proper secular legislation.”[54] One of Tov’s biggest mistakes was that he converted to Christianity, which to him “poses a singular threat to Jewish leadership.”[55]
Judaism, Tov continues, is about “an ethnic salvation” of the Jews, while Christianity is universal, which is another way of saying that it deals with the “salvation or redemption of the human soul”[56] everywhere. It is no coincidence, Tov says, that “Jesus was considered an enemy from the beginning. His teachings and New Testament were banned.”[57] During his school days,
“Jesus and His period were scarcely mentioned in Israeli history classes. Instead, greater emphasis was placed on deviant Christians who moved away from His teachings and committed atrocities. The Spanish Inquisition was a central topic; the tortures were studied in excruciating detail. In that way, few of us would feel inclined to learn more about Christianity and the priests would keep their positions and the huge material and political benefits accompanying them. We were encouraged to fear Christianity.”[58]
This is the true story of serious Christians in Israel. Both the neocons and Israeli officials have deliberately failed to tell the American people that they use deceptions to seduce mainline evangelicals. The official motto of the Mossad is, “Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Make War,” and this official motto “is deeply related to the modern word for ‘terrorism.’”[59]
Yet when 60 Minutes tried to broadcast the story of Israel’s mistreatment of Palestinian Christians,[60] Michael Oren told the network to kill the story before it aired, something that actually shocked the network![61] When they ran it anyway, Ilan Troen of Brandeis University faulted Bob Simon of 60 Minutes for being “malicious” for presenting the broadcast.[62]
Mark Tooley of the Weekly Standard also faulted the network for portraying Israel as an anti-Christian nation and argued that the presentation was unfair.[63] Jonathan S. Tobin of Commentary called the broadcast “preposterous.”[64]
Why the outcry? Because Israeli officials and the neoconservative hawks do not want to give evangelical Christians the impression that Israel does not really support Christians.[65] Evangelical Christians have been duped by Israel’s deception for decades, and those officials want to keep it that way. One official declared,
“The relationship between Israel and the Christian world is our strategic interest, and when we received several months ago information about this report and that it was planned for broadcast without any reaction by Israeli officials, Ambassador Oren did what a diplomat is supposed to do to prevent serious damage.”[66]
Bob Simon rightly pointed out,
“For Israel, there could be serious economic consequences. According to Israeli government figures, tourism is a multi-billion dollar business there. Most tourists are Christian. Many of them are American. That’s one reason why Israelis are very sensitive about their image in the United States.”[67]
It is not just economic consequences that Israeli officials fear, but that someday Christian Zionists will discover that they have been lied to for decades.
Within days, Christians United for Israel, spearheaded by John Hagee, sent letters to 60 Minutes asking for an apology for the broadcast. At least 22,000 supporters joined in.[68]
When Christians are being persecuted by the Israelis, this should be ignored and should not be mentioned in not one of many neoconservative propaganda magazines such as the Weekly Standard, Commentary, FrontPage,National Review, etc. Recently, the Daily Star in Lebanon reported,
“Unknown assailants threw a Molotov cocktail at a Roman Catholic monastery in Israel and scrawled racist graffiti on its walls, a police spokeswoman said Wednesday, in a suspected hate crime. Hebrew graffiti was also scrawled on the monastery walls, reading ‘Gentiles perish’ and ‘revenge.’
“In past years, Christian sites in Israel have been targets of hate crimes by suspected Jewish extremists. These incidents come in addition to attacks against mosques, which have been linked to the ‘price tag’ campaign of Israeli extremists opposed to state moves to dismantle unauthorized settler outposts.”[69]
Neoconservative authors such as Robert Spencer and Raymond Ibrahim would not mention this any time soon.
In a nutshell, Israel, “the problem child,” will never be satisfied until the entire Western world (including Christian Zionism) is reduced to abject servitude. You give “the problem child” $3 billion this year, the “problem child” will ask for more.[70] In the process, America, as one Russian television has put it, has become “The United States of Israel.”[71]
William Kristol and Winston Churchill Face Off
Bill Kristol
Willim Kristol, one of the political and intellectual clowns of the neoconservative movement, has recently quoted Winston Churchill to this effect:
“Force, or perhaps force and bribery, are the only things that will be respected. It is very sad, but we had all better recognize it. At present our friendship is not valued, and our enmity is not feared.”[72]
The simple fact is that Kristol could not quote Churchill fully and extensively because Churchill would literally destroy his Jewish/neo-Bolshevik interpretation of the Middle East and history.
Kristol will never tell his readers that it was Churchill who wrote the devastating essay “Zionism versus Bolshevism,” in which he unequivocally declared that Jewish revolutionaries will “shatter irretrievably all that Christianity has rendered possible.”[73]
Christianity has rendered possible the foundation of the West, logos in all its manifestations, and the brotherhood for all peoples and salvation for all mankind. Jewish revolutionaries have and will attempt to overthrow all this and replace it with a Jewish bloodbath in the Middle East and in much of the West.
When the Jewish bloodbath was over in the Soviet Union, it moved to Asia, where it literally exterminated 45 million people in just one country in less than six years.[74] And then we are recently witnessing almost the same phenomena in the Middle East, though on a gradual scale. Churchill put it best:
“From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing.
“It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century.”[75]
In an attack to Bolshevism, Churchill declared that “a negative resistance to Bolshevism in any field is not enough. Positive and practicable alternatives are needed in the moral as well as in the social sphere.”[76]
We are facing the same situation with the neoconservative/neo-Bolshevik/Zionist ideology in America. Christian Zionists need to stop playing games and break their unconditional alliance with Israel. This will be one of the great steps in defeating Zionism.
Moreover, defeating Zionism/neo-Bolshevism in all its manifestations is not anti-Semitism—it is defeating evil. People of all background are welcome in this fight. I will never cease to cite and admire Alexander Solzhenitsyn:
“And thus, overcoming our temerity, let each man choose: will he remain a witting servant of the lies, or has the time come for him to stand straight as an honest man, worthy of the respect of his children and contemporaries?”[77]
[2] See detailed studies on these issues, Amy Johnson Frykhom, Rapture Culture: Left Behind and Evangelical America (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004); Paul Boyer, When Time Shall Be No More: Prophecy Belief in Modern American Culture (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1994); Victoria Clark, Allies for Armageddon: The Rise of Christian Zionism (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007); Robert C. Fuller, Naming the Antichrist: The History of an American Obsession (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995); Daniel Wojcik, The End of the World as We Know It: Faith, Fatalism, and Apocalypse in America (New York: New York University Press, 1997); Norman Cohn, The Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical Anarchists of the Middle Ages (New York: Oxford University Press, 1970); Stephen D. O’Leary, Arguing the Apocalypse: A Theory of Millennial Rhetoric (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994); Eugene Weber, Apocalypses: Prophecies, Cults, and Millennial Beliefs through the Ages (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999); Kenneth G. C. Newport, Apocalypse and Millennium: Studies in Biblical Eisegesis (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000); Ruth Alden Doan, The Miller Heresy, Millennialism, and American Culture (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1987); Ruth H. Bloch, Visionary Republic: Millennial Themes in American Thought, 1756-1800(New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007); James West Davidson, The Logic of Millennial Thought: 18th Century England (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1977); Timothy P. Weber, Living in the Shadow of the Second Coming: American Premillennialism (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987); Michael Barkun, A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003).
[3] Boyer, When Time Shall Be No More, 11.
[4] See Timothy P. Weber, On the Road toArmageddon: How Evangelicals Became Israel’s Best Friend (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2004), 188-196.
[6] Barbara Forrest and Paul R. Gross, Creationism’s Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004), 272.
[7] See Walter Martin, The Kingdom of the Cults (Bloomington, MN: Bethany, 2003), chapter 13.
[8] Forrest and Gross, Creationism’s Trojan Horse, 272.
[9] David Kirkpatrick, “Evangelical Sales Are Converting Publishers,” NY Times, June 8, 2002.
[10] Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, GloriousAppearing: The End of Days (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale, 2004), 368.
[11] Ginia Bellafante, “Single Evangelical in Need of Advice? Books Have Plenty,” NY Times, July 19, 2004.
[12] Ted Olsen, “HarperCollins Buys Thomas Nelson, Will Market 50% of Christian Publishing Market,”Christianity Today, October 31, 2011; also Geert de Lombaerde, “News Corp. Unit Buying Thomas Nelson,” Free Republic, November 2, 2011; Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson, Gerrit Wiesman, and Robert Budden, “News Corp. in Bid for Penguin Books,” Financial Times, October 20, 2012.
[13] Olsen, “HarperCollins Buys Thomas Nelson,” Christianity Today.
[14] Neil Chenoweth, “Pay TV Piracy Hits News,” Australian Financial Review, March 28, 2012.
[15] “Murdoch Pie Thrower Reportedly Blogging from Prison,” CNN, August 16, 2011.
[16] Sarah Lyall, “Murdochs Deny that They Knew of Illegal Acts,” NY Times, July 19, 2011; John F. Burns and Alan Cowell, “James Murdoch Testifies Before Judicial Panel,” NY Times, April 24, 2012.
[17] Sarah Lyall, “Murdoch’s Sky News Channel Discloses Hacking of Emails,” NY Times, April 5, 2012.
[18] Ibid.
[19] Amy Chozick, “Scandal and Scrutiny Hem in Murdoch’s Empire,” NY Times, April 29, 2012.
[20] John F. Burns and Alan Cowell, “Top Murdoch Aide Is Charged in Hacking Case,” NY Times, May 15, 2012.
[21] “All the President’s Messengers,” The Economist, March 17, 2011.
[22] Alan Cowell and John F. Burns, “Former Murdoch Aids to Be Charged with Bribery,” NY Times, November 20, 2012.
[23] Georg Szalai, “Rebekah Brooks Pleads Not Guilty to All Phone-Hacking, Corruption Charges,” Hollywood Reporter, June 5, 2013.
[24] Georg Szalai, “Rebekah Brooks Got $17.5 Million News Corp. Exit Package,” Hollywood Reporter, December 12, 2012.
[25] Rod Nordland, “Mubarak Removed from Egyptian Prison,” NY Times, August 22, 2013.
[26] http://www.nbcnews.com/id/41285248/ns/technology_and_science-tech_and_gadgets/#.UhgO8xtQHAI; Jane Mayer, “The CIA’s Travel Agent,” New Yorker, October 30, 2006; Jack Shenker, “Egyptian Elections: Independent Fights for Hearts and Minds in ‘Fixed Ballot,’” Guardian, January 28, 2011.
[27] Evan Hill and Muhammad Mansour, “Egypt’s Army Took Part in Torture and killing During Revolution, Report Shows,” Guardian, April 10, 2013.
[29] Ibid.
[30] Quoted in Erin Banco, “Two Years After Mubarak, His Prison Torture Apparatus Still Wounds Egypt,”Christian Science Monitor, October 13, 2012.
[31] Ibid; see also Nayla Razzouk, “Torture Under Mubarak Regime Fueled Protests, Rights Group Says,”Bloomberg, February 11, 2011; Robert Tait, “28 Hours in the Dark Heart of Egypt’s Torture Machine,” Guardian, February 9, 2013.
[32] Stephen Kinzer, “Egypt Protests Show American Foreign-Policy Folly,” Newsweek, January 28, 2011.
[33] Ethan Bronner, “Israel Shaken as Turbulence Rocks an Ally,” NY Times, January 30, 2011.
[34] Kinzer, “Egypt Protests Show American Foreign-Policy Folly.”
[35] Quoted in Phillip Inman, “Mubarak Family Fortune Could Reach $70 Billion, Expert Says,” Guardian, February 4, 2011.
[36] Aluf Benn, “Without Egypt, Israel will be Left with no Friends and Mideast,” Haaretz, January 29, 2011.
[37] “MK Ben Eliezer: Israel Offered Political Asylum to Mubarak,” Haaretz, August 3, 2011.
[39] Quoted in Brendan O’Neil, “The Egypt Protests Have Exposed the Hypocrisy of Mealy-mouthed Western Commentators,” The Telegraph, February 10, 2011.
[40] See for example Zhao Ziyang et al., Prisoner of the State: The Secret Journal of Premier Zhao Ziyang (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2010); for other similar studies, se also Ezra F. Vogel, Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2011); Barry J. Naughton, The Chinese Economy: Transitions and Growth (Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2006).
[41] O’Neil, “The Egypt Protests Have Exposed the Hypocrisy of Mealy-mouthed Western Commentators,” The Telegraph, February 10, 2011.
[42] Ibid.
[43] Ibid.
[44] Amy Chozick, “Steering Murdoch in Scandal, Klein Puts School Goals Aside,” NY Times, May 7, 2012.
[45] Ibid.
[46] Boyer, When Time Shall Be No More, 7.
[47] Ibid., 5-6.
[48] See Gary DeMar, Why the End of the World I Not in Your Future (Powder Springs, GA: American Vision, 2008).
[49] Ibid.
[50] John F. Walvoord, Armageddon, Oil and the Middle East Crisis (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1990), 27.
[51] See DeMar, Why the End of the World Is Not in Your Future, chapter 1.
[52] Michael Oren, “Israel and the Plight of Mideast Christians,” Wall Street Journal, March 9, 2012.
[53] Fida Jiryis, “The Myth of Israel’s Favorable Treatment of Palestinian Christians,” Mondoweiss.net, March 15, 2012.
[54] “A Cup of Tea with Roy Tov—Author of The Cross of Bethlehem,” VeteransToday.com, May 13, 2012.
[55] Roy Tov, The Cross of Bethlehem: The Memoirs of a Refugee (Charleston, SC: Book Surge, 2009), 91.
[56] Ibid., 91.
[57] Ibid., 92.
[58] Ibid.
[59] Ibid., 98.
[60] “Christians of the Holy Land,” CBS News, April 22, 2012.
[61] Natasha Mozgovaya, “60 Minutes Chides Israeli Envoy for Interfering in Segment,” Haaretz, April 24, 2012.
[62] Ilan Troen, “Christians in an Out of the Holy Land,” Jerusalem Post, April 24, 2012.
[63] Mark Tooley, “60 Minutes Steers Christians Against Israel,” Weekly Standard, April 28, 2012.
[64] Jonathan S. Tobin, “Who’s Really Persecuting Christians?,” Commentary, May 18, 2012.
[65] Rebecca Shapiro, “60 Minutes Israel Story: Benjamin Netanyahu Reportedly Briefed On Envoy’s Attempt to Kill CBS Story,” Huffington Post, April 24, 2012.
[66] Ibid.
[67] Jack Mirkinson, “60 Minutes, Israeli Ambassador Clash Over Story About Arab Christians,” Huffington Post, April 24, 2012.
[68] “60 Minutes Slammed Over Segment on Christians in Israel,” Jewish Week, April 24, 2012.
[70] “Report: Israel Seeking More US Military Aid,” JewishPress.com, August 21, 2013.
[72] William Kristol, “Churchill Was Right,” Weekly Standard, August 21, 2013.
[73] Winston Churchill, “Zionism vs. Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People,” Sunday Illustrated Herald, February 20, 1920.
[74] See for example Frank Dikotter, Mao’s Great Famine: The History of China’s Most Devastating Catastrophe, 1958-1962 (New York: Walker Publishing Company, 2010).
[75] Churchill, “Zionism vs. Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People,” Sunday Illustrated Herald, February 20, 1920.
[76] Ibid.
[77] Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Solzhenitsyn Reader (Wilmington: ISI Books, 2009), 558.
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