Sunday, July 14

Zionist Racism

In this week’s news: Hamas and Fatah rift widens as they picked sides in Egyptian rift; both ended up harming the Palestinian case for perceived factional interests.  Hamas supporters defended their association with President Morsi and Fatah leaders put their support behind the Egyptian military that deposed Morsi.  The US confirmed that submarines acquired from Germany were used by Israel in strikes on Syrian facilities last week (another violation of international law supported by the US).

The case for one democratic state

One-fifth of new Jerusalem park to be built on Palestinian land
[Actually all of it is on Palestinian land but this new action will displace the remaining Palestinians and strip them of their lands]

When Zionism is racism: Ron Dermer and Bibi Netanyahu, on the record: Imagine if a politician in another country had bragged about lowering a minority group’s birthrate – like Netanyahu and his new ambassador to the U.S. did.

Israel’s fictions: notes on a myth democracy; United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) 

How Canada exposed Israel's secret nukes with help from a Mennonite

Canadian writers urge halt to ethnic cleansing

Israel forces detaining 5 year old Palestinian child 

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD

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1 comment:

  1. Keep spirit and fighting for Palestine, we love you :)
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