Tuesday, July 16

American Visa; Israeli Racism

“Either explicitly or implicitly, there was some kind of profiling going on, and the same innocent individual was being screened over and over again.”—William Press, Computer Scientist

“I thought that Israelis don’t need a visa to the USA,” the American told me.
“Yes, it is because of the Israeli Palestinians.”
“Israelis have here more rights than Americans,” he continued his Western monologue, completely oblivious to my answer.
In July 2013, the issue got an odd spin, when Israel opposed an AIPAC move to remove the American request for visas from Israeli citizens.

Visa on Arrival
The idea is to create a 90-days visa-on-arrival agreement between the countries. Israelis arriving at the USA will get a stamp on their passport at the immigrations booth without further complications and the same would happen to Americans landing in Tel Aviv.
The proposed bill will demand from Israel “to make a reasonable effort, without endangering its national security, to award similar rights and treatment to all American citizens.”
Israeli Embassy in Washington
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Israeli Embassy in Washington
American Visa

The bill will scrap the early request of having awarded 97% of the requested visas to citizens of the country being awarded the visa-on-arrival option. No other of the 37 countries having such an agreement with the USA was ever awarded that.
Moreover, the USA even denied recently a visa to a Jewish Knesset Member, for his membership in a terror organization.
The bill would be enabled by creating a new category for countries, namely “main strategic partner.” Israel would be the only country in this category.
Jewish Wars Hit Washington
AIPAC is working in a tweezers-attack on the American legislative machine, with two parallel efforts. The one promoted in Congress by Republican Ileana Ros-Lehtinen from Florida has already more than 300 signatures on it; she wants to get a special permit by the Foreign Affairs Committee before the vacations starting in August. Democrat Senator Barbara Boxer from California got 45 signatures in the Senate.
Yet, Israeli media reported on July 15 that the USA Government opposes the initiative, though quietly. The official view was quoted indirectly due to fear from AIPAC’s reaction.
Those opposing the new bill are not speaking openly in the USA. Instead, they are being offered anonymous media exposure by the Israeli media. Against AIPAC position, the Israeli Government doesn’t want this bill due to the restrictions likely to be imposed in its treatment of Americans arriving at the Holy Land. On April 13, Israeli Haaretz already published an oddly entitled article: “Opposition in Israel may sabotage exemption from American-visa”
Abed Ayoub from the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee was quoted by Haaretz on July 15: “We have many worries regarding the proposed bill. It allows discrimination of American citizens in a different country. U.S. Senators cannot allow that.” The position explains why the American Administration probably won’t support this law. Arab and Muslim citizens of the USA would be discriminated against by the Israeli authorities, who refuse to give up to their refusal right. In other words, Israel wants to keep the right to deny entry to American citizens without the need to explain the decision.
USA Embassy Tel Aviv
USA Embassy in Tel Aviv is located near the sea, ready to be evacuated by the Sixth Fleet
Did you know? Prison America
Racial Profiling
Sadly—but understandably—AIPAC officials do not read this website. A few months ago, in Are you an American named Rafik? You’re a Terrorist!, I reported on the racial profiling applied mindlessly by Israeli authorities, at the verge of being defined as rape. The case described there was not an exception. Another event that reached the media was of an American schoolteacher in Ramallah, Joda Noor. Last Christmas, she traveled across the Jordan River and spent the holiday in Amman. Israeli Shin Beth secret police didn’t allow her to return to Ramallah despite her having a valid visa. “She didn’t answer our questions,” was the Shin Beth explanation to the media.
There is a lot of material proving that racial profiling is not only a wrong, racist and criminal policy of Western governments, but it also inverts the rule of law; it assumes that a person is guilty unless proven otherwise.
Moreover, it is also ineffective. One of the most intriguing claims on the issue was made by William Press, professor of computer science and integrative biology at the University of Texas at Austin. Hey TSA, Racial Profiling Doesn’t Work comments on the results of his mathematical analysis of the issue.
The main claim is that racial profiling is less effective than purely random sampling. “Either explicitly or implicitly, there was some kind of profiling going on, and the same innocent individual was being screened over and over again. That draws resources away from the screening that would find the bad guy. I realized those were basically the same problems.” Racial profiling doesn’t work because it devotes heightened resources to innocent people — and then devotes those resources to them repeatedly even after they’ve been cleared as innocent the first time. The actual terrorists, meanwhile, may sneak through while Transportation Security Administration agents are focusing their limited attention on the wrong passengers.
“Very, very interesting,” the Lord of Administrators and Bureaucrats said before shredding the paper.
He didn’t care about what was right, but about what he could do that would look as if he was working efficiently. Yet, the article was disturbing; there were new concepts in it: “innocents,” “right thing to do,” “people’s rights.” He didn’t have time for that; it was time to pick a new victim for interrogation, preferably one with no weapons; he didn’t want his agents to be hurt. That was a commoner’s prerogative.
Racial Profiling
Racial Profiling “Either explicitly or implicitly, there was some kind of profiling going on, and the same innocent individual was being screened over and over again.“—William Press, Computer Scientist
The Jewish wars are hitting Washington, attempting to let racism enter legislation from the back door.
“Bravo Israel! Thank you for pointing out the racial truth. We will make you honorific whites,” was the reaction of an unidentified official from the Ku Klux Klan.
full version and subscriptions at http://roitov.com/articles/visa.htm

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