Wednesday, June 19

“Racism or Assimilation”

There is neither Jew nor Greek Galatians 3:28


On June 18, 2013, the Israeli Police published its report on Price Tag* terror attacks. This happened after on June 2, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and State Prosecutor’s Office failed to reach an agreement on the definition of the organization as a terrorist one. The Prosecutor claimed that settler attacks against Palestinians and Leftists represent an idea, not a centralized group and thus they cannot be defined as terrorists.
Racism or Assimilation
Racism or Assimilation Membership Matters

Astonishing Numbers
Price Tag Police Map
“Map of Hatred” Price Tag Police Map Evil and the Justice of God
The statistics of the attacks are so amazing, that instead of reporting a summary of all the data accumulated since 2008—when the Price Tag Policy was announced*—the police released information collected between January 1, 2012 and the morning of June 18, 2013. The last event included was an attack in Abu Gosh, near Jerusalem.
In this period, 788 complaints about attacks lead to the opening of files by the police. 276 people were detained; 154 of them were charged. Not even one was convicted by the Zionist Court. The rate of these activities in 2013 is higher than in 2012. Most of the events took place in the West Bank or its surroundings.
The two maps on this page show the most recent events of the report. The actions of these Jewish hooligans include demonstrations, blocking of roads, clashes with Israeli security forces, throwing rocks at Palestinian cars, torching of Palestinian fields and orchards, and the destruction and uprooting of trees belonging to Palestinians.
Mosque in Tuba-Zangariyye
Mosque in Tuba-Zangariyye, a Bedouin Town in the Galilee | After Price Tag Attack of October 3, 2011
“Racism or Assimilation”
Today’s event in Abu Gosh was typical. The tyres of almost 30 cars were punctured. The area was generously sprayed with two messages: “Arabs Out!” and “Racism or Assimilation!”++
Unable to agree on what to do, the Minister of Justice and the Prosecutor gave left the decision to Prime Minister Netanyahu.
Defining the organization as terrorist, would transfer its treatment from the Police to the Shin Beth secret police. The General Security Service Law** gives the Head of the Shin Beth power to search people’s homes without their knowledge and even tap their phones without a warrant. Moreover, the related Detentions Law allows the Shin Bet to hold a suspect without access to an attorney and delay his appearance in court; the victim of this state-terror enters what in Israel is known as the X-Wing, a place where people are denied their rights and identities. Zygier, Vanunu and Amir are the most prominent X-Wing residents ever.
Price Tag Police Map
wordpress stats
“Map of Hatred” Price Tag Police Map Assimilation Blues
Price Tag is a hot potato. It is so hot that everybody below the Prime Minister refused to decide. Benjamin Netanyahu was unlikely to behave differently; below his baritone’s bravado, he is invariably passive. In a government meeting, he approved a midway decision.
Price Tag was declared a “non-authorized organization,” and not a terror one. This will be formalized by the Minister of Defense, who would be able to act against them according to the “Emergency-Hour Law.” This means that detainees could be held practically indefinitely without being allowed to meet a lawyer. All their belongings could be confiscated without any proper process.
One of the participants, Minister of Internal Security Yitzhak Aharonovich, said afterwards: “we know who is behind this.” Of course he knows, the hooligans are proud of their actions. They are regularly featured by Settler media. Itay Zar from the Havat Gilad settlement is one of the founders. Yet, they are all free.
Tangible Idea
On June 2, the State Prosecutor’s Office—infamous for its ultra-nationalistic views—said that Price Tag is an idea and not an organization and thus cannot be targeted. It never said that about the PLO or the IDF. Moreover, there are deeper inconsistencies in the State’s position.
On January 31, 2012, the Golani Brigade of the IDF arrested Mamun Ismail Salame Stut, a Palestinian man who was released from Israeli prison in October as part of the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange deal. He had been originally arrested in 2002, and indicted on attempted murder, membership in an unidentified organization, assembling bombs and providing asylum. An Israeli court sentenced him to 38 years in prison. This time, the arrest took place in Dura, near Hebron, well within Occupied Palestine. He has not been released.
According to the IDF spokesperson, Stut was arrested for being a security threat.

Minority Report: IDF arrests Palestinian prisoner released in Shalit swap “In its majestic equality the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread,” The Red Lily, Anatole France, 1894
The real crime is accusing someone of “membership in an unidentified organization” and “being a security threat.” I read time and again the claims made by the State of Israel in court, and could understand only one thing: “This man is innocent.” He committed no crime.+
Thus, let me summarize Israeli wisdom. A well-documented organization capable of conducting hundreds of attacks in a large area is defined by the Prosecutor as an idea. Members caught faced until now no significant punishment. In contrast, the same government is holding illegitimately prisoner a Palestinian for imaginary allegations. Additional examples can be easily found. This is not the “Rule of Law,” but the “Rule of Racism.”
* The term “Price Tag Policy” became public in July 2008, when settler Itay Zar from “Havat Gilad” referred to the policy as such: “Whenever an evacuation (of settlers) is carried out—whether it is a bus, a trailer or a small outpost—we will respond.” It refers to illegal actions carried out by radical right-winged Israeli activists and settlers. The actions of these Jewish hooligans include demonstrations, blocking of roads, clashes with Israeli security forces, throwing rocks at Palestinian cars, torching of Palestinian fields and orchards, and the destruction and uprooting of trees belonging to Palestinians. The last is very important since according toOttoman laws still legally binding in Israel, trees can be used to show ownership of land. See The Price Tag of Israel’s Doublethink.
** General Security Service is “Sherut Bitahon Klali.” The proper Hebrew acronym is “shabak.” English acronyms work according to different rules; “Shin Beth” refers to the first two initials. Usually it is referred to as “Shin Beth” outside Israel, and “Shabak” within.
+ Most Israelis do not understand the concept of illegitimate laws. A law may pass through all the tedious processes of legislation. It may be approved by the Knesset Legislation Committee, and afterwards by the Knesset’s General Assembly. It may be published by “Reshumot” (Israel’s official publication announcing new laws) and afterwards be brutally enforced by civil servants. Everything may look “kosher” on paper, and still the law can be illegitimate, demanding automatic disobedience by the public. No government can pass a law violating Human Rights, which are International Law since 1994. No government operating under the Criminal Law system can legislate laws claiming to prevent a future crime.
++ This slogan is amazing in its insolence. The name used for Price Tag in Hebrew is “Tag Mehir.” The word Tag in it was borrowed from English. Most of the West Bank settlers are Americans. To which assimilation are theseignorant hooligans referring to? They can’t even speak proper Hebrew!

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