Friday, January 25

Zionism, Relativism, Exceptionalism and Idle No More

Why Are Canada’s Zionist Journalists Lashing Out At Canada’s Aboriginal Leadership?

by Joshua Blakeney

I appeared on Press TV’s News Analysis show this week along with lawyer Kenneth Fernandez and Idle No More activist Ken Stone. I used the platform to, among other things, draw attention to the curious phenomenon of Israel’s apologists in the Canadian media incessantly belittling and chastising certain members of Canada’s aboriginal leadership.
Examples are offered by the National Post’s Barbara Kay here and Sun News’ Ezra Levant here. If any people are in doubt about Levant’s one-sided support for Israel then it behooves them to watch this. Barbara Kay is the mother of Jonathan Kay, who has written two books in his career, one with a Mossad agent and onepsychoanalyzing 9/11-skeptics (in which he uses subjective traits of 9/11 skeptics to dismiss their attempts to establish a universal truth about what happened on 9/11).

In the show I drew attention to the fact that the mining company De Beers, which operates diamond mines in Canada, has received criticism from indigenous activists, including Chief Theresa Spence, who has been on a hunger strike since December 11th, 2012.

De Beers operates a diamond mine on the historic hunting territories of the Attawapaskat Fist Nation whose chief, Theresa Spence, is currently engaged in a hunger strike. Founded by Cecil Rhodes with the help of the Rothchilds and then later sold to the Oppenheimer dynasty, De Beers seems to have many supporters in Canada’s media establishment.
Founded by ultra-imperialist Cecil Rhodes and expanded with the assistance of the Rothchilds, De Beers was from 1927 owned by the Oppenheimer family. While currently under the auspices of the Anglo-American Company the chairman of De Beers is Nicky Oppenheimer. The company has been protested in the past for its close connections to Israel, which is closely implicated in the controversial diamond trade (this was one reason Israel became allied with mineral-rich apartheid South Africa).
It seems conceivable to me that some supporters of Israel in the Canadian media would feel an allegiance to De Beers due to its heritage and would thus feel a compulsion to discredit those asking for a greater share of the company’s mega-profits.
Journalistic supporters of Israel seem to be tirelessly working to prevent Canadians from embracing Idle-No-More’s anti-imperialist, anti-colonial discourse (lest they begin to identify with the Palestinians). Just as they blame the Palestinian leadership for the grave situation of the Palestinians Canadians are currently being encouraged by some Zionist journalists to attribute the problems wrought upon Canada’s displaced and exploited aboriginals more or less solely to corruption among their leadership. This is chutzpah comparable to that displayed when Hamas rocket fire is blamed for all the problems of the Palestinians.
Human Rights Activists Protest What They Call “Israeli Blood Diamonds” in London, UK
Right-wing supporters of Israel like to set themselves up as opponents of cultural relativism. They accuse liberals of being inconsistent by failing to scrutinize the affairs of aboriginal chiefs with the same vigour with which they scrutinize the affairs of non-aboriginal politicians. Liberals, some Zionist journalists charge, suffer from “white-guilt” and thus refuse to apply necessary universal standards to all politicians, including aboriginal leaders. This line of argument would have more validity if such critics weren’t often adherents to Zionist exceptionalism, which, ironically, eschews universality in a more morally indefensible manner than that displayed by cultural relativists.
Ezra Levant often implies that aboriginals constitute the only demographic whose politicians are not scrutinized in a manner that all politicians deserve. However, he conveniently overlooks the fatwa on criticizing Israeli politicians, especially in the Canadian media and parliament. Applying universal Human Rights standards to Israel is an affront to Zionist exceptionalism and hence doing so leads to charges of anti-Semitism in Canadian discourse. Humanist philosopher Gilad Atzmon has demonstrated that Zionist-ethnic exceptionalism is one of the main problems faced  by humanity. Canada’s aboriginals are just the latest victims of this indefensible worldview.
Ardent Supporter of Israel, Ezra Levant, Has Been A Zealous Critic of Certain Aboriginal Leaders in Canada 
Gilad Atzmon, an Israeli Defector Who Opposes Ethnic Exceptionalism

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