Attack on Gaza: Listen, Read, Act
In this message:
- Action items you can do to make a difference
- Call to action on Canadian government approval of bombing of Gaza
- Media Release from Independent Jewish Voices (IJV)
- Compilation of articles, resources and analysis
Action items you can do to make a difference
1) Take action in the Media
- Follow media coverage in your local area and nationally.
- Make your voice heard through letters to the editor, online media comment boards, and radio call-in shows.
- Use our Media Resource Guide for more information.
2) Take action with your local Member of Parliament and with the leadership on the Hill
- Send an email to your local Member of Parliament explaining why Canada needs to stand with Gaza and the Palestinian people at this difficult time.
- Send an email to Prime Mininster Harper, Foreign Affairs Minister Baird, leaders and foreign affairs critics of the other political parties.
- Electronic Intifada: http://www. - Gush Shalom:
- Maan News
- Palestinian Center for Human Rights—Gaza: http://www. - Mondoweiss: http:// - The Institute for Middle East Understanding: http://imeu.
net - Haaretz: http://www.haaretz.
Call to action on Canadian government approval of bombing of Gaza
Dear Friends of peace in Palestine and Israel,
In the face of another potential slaughter of civilians in Gaza by Israeli occupation forces (IOF), it is regrettable that Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird exhibits a view that Palestinian life is not even worth a mention. His brief press release is concerned only for Israel “and its citizens.”
Rather than forthrightly contextualizing the current violence as precipitated by Israeli aerial bombing and slaughter last week,
Stating that only one people “has the right to defend itself,” indeed those using F-16s and tanks against densely populated civilian areas, ignores or even justifies the terror rained upon Palestinians by the IOF. No terror is acceptable. Four years ago, the IOF decimation of an already besieged Gaza Strip left hundreds of women and children dead, and thousands injured. Ignoring this history invites a repeat.
The government of Canada ought rather to uphold Canadian values and views, refrain from further incendiary remarks, proclaim the value and dignity of each Palestinian as well as Israeli life, and call for an immediate ceasefire.
To make your views known, write:
Stephen Harper, Prime Minister:
John Baird, Foreign Affairs Minister:
Paul Dewar, Foreign Affairs critic for the Official Opposition:
Thomas Mulcair, Leader of the Official Opposition:
Bob Rae, Leader of the Liberal Party:
Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party:
In peace and solidarity,
The Rev. Robert Assaly
Media Release from Indepedent Jewish Voices (IJV)
November 15, 2012
Israel’s attack on Gaza is a “Pillar of War Crimes”, says Jewish human rights group
Independent Jewish Voices is condemning Israel’s latest attack on the Palestinians trapped in Gaza by Israel’s illegal blockade. Israel has euphemistically dubbed the operation “Pillar of Defense” (alternately Pillar of Cloud), which reports indicate has already killed at least 10 Palestinians, including children, and injured possibly over 100. Israel is threatening to expand the continuing attack with a ground invasion of Gaza. “Israel’s latest attack on Gaza is not a ‘Pillar of Defense.’ It’s a Pillar of War Crimes, which we have a moral obligation to oppose,” says Dylan Penner, steering committee member of Independent Jewish Voices. “This latest atrocity is compounded by the fact that, thanks to Israel’s illegal and inhumane blockade, for the people who live in Gaza there is no escape.”
Independent Jewish Voices, which has chapters in eight cities, is calling on its members and supporters to join the protests taking place in various cities against this attack. IJV reiterates its support for the boycott, divestment and sanction movement against Israel until it complies with international law. Four years ago, Israel launched its “Operation Cast Lead” on the Gaza Strip. Over 1400 Palestinians were killed — over a third of whom were innocent women and children. Israel claimed moral righteousness while committing this massacre, but the United Nations later found that Israel committed war crimes and possible crimes against humanity and that “the assault was designed to humiliate and terrorize a civilian population.” Amnesty International concluded that Israel’s aggression amounted to “22 days of death and destruction.”
Compilation of articles, resources and analysis
With the attack on Gaza and the responses, in light of a lack of good mainstream media coverage, we have complied selective on-line resources in the hopes of providing an honest picture and thoughtful analysis. These items below seem to offer perspective on the current situation.
Backgrounder on Gaza
The Gaza Strip: the Political Economy of De-development (2012 Edward Said Memorial Lecture) by Dr. Sarah Roy
This is an excellent piece and a must read!
Contextualizing the U.S. approach to the region
The Petraeus Saga: Epitaph for a Four Star by Col. Douglas Macgregor, Ret.
Israel and the U.S.
Netanyahu calls Obama's bluff by M K Bhadrakumar
The Invasion of Gaza: Part of a Broader US-NATO-Israel Military Agenda. Towards a Scenario of Military Escalation? By Michel Chossudovsky
Possible New CIA Director Already Politically Compromised: Jane Harman and Israeli Spying by Alison Weir
Guardian: Obama's kill list policy compels US support for Israeli attacks on Gaza by Glenn Greenwald
Timeline of events
TIMELINE: Israel's Latest Escalation in Gaza by IMEU
Timeline of Israeli escalation in Gaza by Adam Horowitz
Interview with Ali Abunimah, a Palestinian American journalist, and co-founder of the Electronic Intifada
Inciting war crimes: Israel minister says force Gaza population into Egypt, cut off water, electricityby Ali Abunimah
G&M: Israel's attack underlines helplessness, hopelessness of Gaza Palestinians by Diana Buttu
Israeli peace activist: Hamas leader Jabari killed amid talks on long-term truce by Nir Hasson
Jacob, Esau and Our Task at This Hour as Rabbis For Human Rights by Rabbi Arik Ascherman
Opinion - Analysis
Nous accusons: Mainstream media fails to report on atrocities against Gaza by various (including Noam Chomsky)
After Israeli operation, Gazans brace for the worst by Amira Hass
Another Superfluous War by Uri Avnery
Who Started It? Bloodbath in Gaza by Patrick Higgins
Israel Looks To Exodus In Gaza Invasion by James Wall
Gaza-Israel Violence: The Fuller Story by Rabbi Arthur Waskow
Self-defense or provocation: Israel's history of breaking ceasefires by IMEU
A Pillar Built on Sand by John Mearsheimer (NECEF JGMLecturer - 2009)
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