Wednesday, October 10

WRITE! For Justice, Human Rights and International Law in Palestine


GAZA EMERGENCY ACTION ALERT!  Mainstream US Media Outlets Promoting Israeli Government Talking Points.  Immediate Action Needed!  

Israel has unleashed horrific violence against 1.5 million people of occupied Gaza -- killing over 660 and injuring thousands.  Editorials, op-eds and television reports have flooded the newspapers and TV screens supporting the official Israeli government line, managing to incorporate some of the most hawkish positions -- while little is heard from the international human rights community or Palestinians.
WRITE! generally sends action alerts regarding newspaper editorials or op-eds.  However, in this emergency situation, we request that everyone take the initiative to contact as many media outlets as possible to address a broad spectrum of general and specific concerns relating to media coverage of the Gaza crisis.
We must let them know that we cannot accept biased and unbalanced coverage of these illegal attacks!  Please include some or all of the following points when talking or writing to media outlets:

1.         Numerous reports including by Amnesty International have cited Israel ’s November 4th raid into Gaza as effectively breaking the ceasefire.

2.         The Israeli ‘disengagement’ of 2005 DID NOT end the occupation of Gaza – and an occupying power is responsible for the welfare of people under its occupation.  An occupation is determined by whether there is effective control – not simply the presence of illegal settlers and soldiers.

 3.         A Human Rights Watch report in 2007 “Indiscriminate Fire” documented that from September 2005 through May 2007….the IDF fired 14,617 artillery shells into Gaza compared to 2,700 fired into Israel by Palestinian armed groups.  HRW further stated, “When investigating incidents, HRW found that IDF shelling with 155mm howitzers often called unnecessary loss of civilian life and property in violation of IHL.”

4.         Please provide more balance in your coverage by publishing op-eds by Palestinians or from the international human rights community.

5.         Please report on the deaths, causalities and humanitarian crisis caused by Israel ’s bombing and blockade of Gaza using the international consensus framework of international law.

Please take a few minutes to write/call one or all of the following media outlets:

1) Washington Post: 7-1-1 hawkish op-eds/editorials
Tel – 202 334 7400 (to comment on articles and coverage); 202 336-7470 (to comment on op-eds) 
“Why Israel is Bombing Gaza” by Ephraim Sneh, and "Hard Truths about the Conflict" by Professor Robert Lieber, January 1, 2009
"Moral Clarity in Gaza" by Charles Krauthammer  and "Defining Victory for Israel, by Michael Gerson, January 2, 2009

2) Washington Times: 5-0 hawkish op-eds/editorials
Tel – 202 636-3306 (for commentary and editorial)
 “ Gaza Nazis” by Cal Thomas; The Washington Times, January 2, 2009

3) Wall Street Journal: 4-0 hawkish op-eds/editorials
Tel – 212 416-2000
 “ Israel 's Policy Is Perfectly 'Proportionate'” by Alan Dershowitz, January 2, 2009

4) CNN
Tel – 404 827 1700 (tell them you want to comment on coverage of Gaza )
Email –
5) Fox News
Tel – 202 895-3000
Email – 
Please help to stop the propaganda campaign against Palestinians in occupied Gaza .  The American media should not allow itself to be used as a public relations service for the Israeli military.  When writing letters, be sure to include your name, address, and keep your letter under 150 words.  When calling, ask for or dial the editorial department.

Thank you,


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