Monday, August 27

The Non-Apology 'Apology' For Child Sexual Abuse Whitewashed By Melbourne's Jewish Community

Video: Chabad's Non-Apology 'Apology' For Child Sexual Abuse Whitewashed By Melbourne's Jewish Community

Yeshivah College (Chabad) Melbourne AustraliaEven though police and the courts have been very clear that Chabad has failed to be open or cooperative with the investigation, and even though it seems clear Chabad rabbis lied to police and obstructed justice, Nina Bassat of the Jewish Community Council of Victoria praised Chabad's non-apology  'apology' (written in the form of, if x happened then we apologize for it, or this conditional gem, "…we sincerely and unreservedly apologise for any HISTORICAL wrongs that MAY have occurred") and its 'cooperation' with police. 
  Yeshivah College (Chabad) Melbourne Australia
Originally published at 11:15 pm CDT 8-23-2012
Bassat's behavior is made even worse by the following facts:
• The JCC of Victoria's executive director is living with David Cyprys, the alleged Chabad pedophile currently awaiting trial.
• The JCC until now been silent on the issue of child sexual abuse.
• Until now, the JCC has done nothing to help the alleged victims
All this proves again, I think, that the organized Jewish community cares more about its image than it does about the lives of children.

Here's a brief radio interview from ABC about the 'apology':
The JCCV is – finally – in the process of adopting a policy on child sexual abuse. It plans to vote on the following proposed version – drafted, I'm told, by its executive director, a woman who lives with an admitted pedophile who is now awaiting trial for a series of child rapes – on September 3. As you read it, remember that the JCC of Victoria has done nothing so far to help any of the alleged victims of child sexual abuse at Chabad:
JCC of Victoria Child Sex Abuse Policy Statement Draft 8-6-2012 1 watermarked
JCC of Victoria Child Sex Abuse Policy Statement Draft 8-6-2012 2 watermarked
Here it is as a PDF file:

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