Dear All,
The #RememberRachel social media team has targeted Tuesday, 28 August from 3-4 p.m. EST ( noon-1 p.m. PST; 10 -11 p.m. Gaza time; 8-9 p.m. London time) as the hashtag trending hour for the Rachel Corrie verdict. We will be sending out detailed directions along with the hashtag on Tuesday morning. If you can't be near a computer then or don't have a smart phone, you can use a platform such as Hootsuite ( or Tweetdeck( ) to preschedule the Tweets.
As I said, we'll send detailed instructions -- but here are a few guidelines to keep in mind.
1. DO NOT start using the unique hashtag until the appointed time.
2. USE ONLY the unique hashtag (NO OTHERS) in your Rachel Corrie tweets during that hour.
3. We'll send you some draft Tweets to use, but feel free to compose your own.
Thanks for being part of the team. Let me know if you have any questions.
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