Thursday, August 16

Jewish Defence League Of Canada Vows to Confront People Protesting Against Apartheid Israel At Queens Park

TORONTO - Meir Weinstein, president of the Jewish Defence League of Canada, said Wednesday he has received pledges from large numbers of supporters who are vowing to show up outside the Provincial Legislature (Queen's Park) in Toronto to counter messages by demonstrators at the Al-Quds Day rally, an annual Islamist demonstration calling for Israel to end it's occupation and end it's  Apartheid policies against the Palestinians.
The rally was approved by Legislature Sergeant-at-Arms Dennis Clark, much to the alarm of Jewish groups such as B’nai Brith and the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, as well as Weinstein’s -militant JDL who all fear Canadians learning the truth on what's really happening in Palestine and who is controlling our Government especially on middle east policies.
Weinstein, whose organization has a clenched fist embedded inside the Star of David as its symbol, said his group will be loud and vocal.
Without being specific, he also said they will be prepared to pursue in any violent altercations.

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