Saturday, July 28

Murder Of UK Muslims Goes Unpunished

Birmingham Crown Court has acquitted eight men who were allegedly involved in the killing of three British Muslims during the country’s unprecedented unrest last year.

Death of UK Muslims goes unpunished
Press TV – Haroon Jahan and brothers Shazad Ali and Abdul Musavir were killed during last year’s unrest after they were hit by a car in Winson Green, Birmingham, Britain’s second largest city.
The three Muslim men were protecting public property and local businesses against the looters when they were killed. Tariq Jahan, Haroon’s father, won national praise after he brought calm in the community and called for peace.
“The law and the justice system has let us down. Our community stood against looters but we are not being treated as equals. Our sense of disappointment over this verdict cannot be stated in words. We needed justice desperately and we were promised that but we cannot trust the criminal justice system anymore”, said Haroon’s father.
Hundreds of Muslims in Birmingham gathered outside a police headquarters and called for a review of the criminal trial that saw eight men acquitted of murdering the three Muslims.
“We’re not giving up this fight for the boys. I believe that we will get some sort of justice. We’re going to fight but we’re going to fight the legal way, I don’t want anybody to do anything silly or naïve”, added Haroon’s father.

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