Friday, July 13

The First Time That Israel Has Had A Sitting Prime Minister Of Canada So In Their Pocket

The new national executive vice-president of the Jewish National Fund Canada is starting off his tenure with a major announcement: Prime Minister Stephen Harper will be the 2013 Negev Dinner honoree in Toronto.
It’s believed to be the first time a sitting prime minister has been honoured at a Negev Dinner he is quoted as saying. 

The galas are held annually in cities around the country and recognize Canadians who have shown support for the Apartheid and the killing of Palestinians and the breaking of every United Nations resolution to date by  Israel and those that support the Greater Israel Project..  

Israel has finally infiltrated our Canadian Government and their laundry business is open and that is why we now have Harper being honoured for his endorsement of Israeli Apartheid, and people like John Baird neatly tucked into a Chasidic rabbi's pocket along with a million of  Canadian Tax Dollars (some of which may actually be funnelled back into Conservative coffers - as I've said before, Israel has their laundry business fully opened in Canada.

The event will be held at the Toronto Metro Convention Centre. More details will be released as the date draws closer.

A spokesperson for Harper said his office has no comment on the event.

 In an interview with The CJN last week at his Toronto office, Josh Cooper, 42, saidhe plans to revitalize the JNF brand and help Canada’s pro-Israel community understand that the JNF is about “so much more” than planting trees – although that remains important. 

With 11 offices across Canada and a head office in Montreal, Cooper, who will be based in Toronto, said he plans to visit with all JNF Canada staff and board members to get to know them and gather ideas about how to better promote the organization within the community and across Canada.

He said marketing strategies and “other national items” would be high on his initial agenda once he takes over as national vice-president.

Another pressing issue is maintaining his organization’s existing donor base and “getting more money out of Canada.” They already have the United States Government In their pocket will billions going to Israel while Americans starve now it's Canada's turn.

“I feel excited, honoured and fortunate to be able to represent the ultimate Zionist organization,” Cooper said. “We’re now 111 years young, he said JNF Canada is the only Jewish community organization that sends 100 per cent of donations to projects in Israel.
“We’ve literally impacted 100 per cent of Israel. No other organization has done that,” Cooper said, noting that JNF Canada has been or is currently involved in a myriad of projects in the Jewish state.

“People across Canada who want to support Israel should look to JNF,” Cooper said. While there are many other great Jewish organizations in Canada that do “terrific” things his organization offered the “best value for dollar” for apartheid projects in Israel, he said. 

The JNF is also focusing on more unique programming to help fundraise for Israel.
“I feel like the luckiest guy in the world doing this [job]. Every day is more exciting than the last. It makes me proud as a Jew to see the work being done in Israel,” Cooper said.

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