Monday, June 18

Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land

Expose of how Israel and pro-Israel Americans exercise powerful influence and censorship of media re Israel's illegal and brutal occupation of Palestine.

1 comment:

  1. Do not despair, Palestine for the world knows the truth of the cruel and illegal occupation of your sarcred land by War Criminal and Apartheid Israeli Military Regime. We know it is ONLY a matter of time before the world community will DEMAND an end to Israel's crimes. Such impunity will not be tolerated forever! Israel is destroying itself by its own evil policies of genocide, hate, apartheid, war crimes, international laws violations, greed and insanity! No one believes they are a democracy much less a "people chosen by God" as they claim. We, American activists for justice to Palestine, stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine until complete freedom from the Israeli occupation and until full Right of Return of Palestine's sons and daughters to their homeland. In Shallah...from State of Colorado, USA.
