Monday, June 18

Extremists' guide to 'struggle against Ulpana evacuation'

Booklet distributed in Beit El settlement instructs right-wingers to block roads, infiltrate IDF bases and commit 'price tag' acts to prevent imminent evacuation of five homes, turn area into 'one of most turbulent in West Bank

Committing 'price tag' acts, infiltrating IDF bases, blocking roads and protesting outside the homes of senior security establishment officials – this how extreme rightists plan to thwart the evacuation of homes in the Ulpana neighborhood, according to a brochure titled "The practical plan to save the outposts and hills in the Land of Israel."

The booklet has been distributed in Beit El over the past couple of days as part of the extreme right efforts to prevent the evacuation of five homes in the West Bank settlement.

In line with a court ruling, the State is expected to raze the Ulpana neighborhood homes by July 1 because they were built on private Palestinian land.

התוכנית להצלת המאחזים (צילום: איתמר פליישמן)
'Destabilize the system.' Booklet (Photo: Itamar Fleishman)

According to the guide, which was obtained by Ynet, the "moderate" phase of the struggle will include demonstrations outside the homes of senior security establishment officials, among them IDF Central Command chief Maj. Gen. Nitzan Alon, the head of the Shin Bet's Jewish division and senior Civil Administration officials.

נערכים לפינוי. אוהלים בגבעת האולפנה (צילום: גיל יוחנן)
Preparing for evacuation. Tents in Ulpana (Photo: Gil Yohanan)

An entire chapter reveals details about the commanders who will likely be in charge of the evacuation – including their addresses. The authors also urge activists to stand outside army bases and try to convince IDF soldiers to refuse the evacuation order.

Those who are willing to "risk being detained for one or two days" are asked to block roads and infiltrate IDF bases and Arab villages. "When the fight to stop the destruction begins at the entrance to the base instead of the community's gate, it has a much greater chance to succeed," the guidebook states.

Therefore, the authors argue, activists must infiltrate IDF bases "while the evacuation forces are training, and later, during the evacuation itself, in order to destabilize the system."

The authors mention the settler raid on the Ephraim Territorial Brigade's base in the West Bank in December, saying such an act would "force the army to decide which side it is on. If the army does not side with the Jews, there is not reason for it to be protected inside the communities."

Infiltrating Arab villages, according to the guide, is meant to "turn the area into one of the most turbulent in the West Bank."

The "heroes who fight year-round for the Land of Israel" will commit "price tag" acts, the booklet states, "to send the message that the regime's daily harassments force us to commit inciting acts that may lead to the establishment's destabilization."

The end of the booklet presents imaginary notes for the Ephraim Brigade that "describe" the evacuation. The order given to the IDF is referred to as "Judenrein" ("clean from Jews" in German, an expression used by the Nazis) and throughout the document it appears that the soldiers are busier dealing with right-wing extremists than with the evacuation itself.

Meanwhile, preparations for the evacuation are taking place not only in theory. On Sunday, dozens of youngsters equipped with hundreds of sacks of cement, iron rods, wooden boards, and mechanical equipment arrived at Givat Ulpana. They began building barricades around the neighborhood and on top of the homes slated to be evacuated.

The teens also set up barriers at the entrance to the neighborhood, where they remain in contact via MIRS phones. Throughout the day, some of them – wearing masks – threw rocks at soldiers who happened to be in the area and at anyone else they suspected of being involved with the evacuation.

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