Thursday, May 24

The Host and the Parasite - How Israel's Fifth Column Consumed America

Writes author Greg Felton, "The United States became midwife to a war crime when it endorsed the creation of Israel in 1948 and blackmailed European nations into supporting it. From this time forward, the Zionist parasite began leaching off the U.S." According to Felton, "The September 11 attack was to the Zionist junta what the Reichstag fire was to the Nazis. It created the seminal moment of contrived paranoia that allowed the junta to pass the Orwellian USA PATRIOT Act, by which the U.S. became a de facto police state, a necessary step to put the junta above the law so that it could bastardize the constitution to serve the greater good of Israel. The demonization of Muslims is the key tactic that makes mass murder, torture and gross violations of civil liberties possible. Al Qa?ida is a myth concocted to manufacture a common enemy so that people would accept invasions of privacy and tolerate the mistreatment of Muslims." 

"This book is the a comprehensive, meticulously argued examination of how the the U.S. degenerated into a police state. It did not begin with George W. Bush ...The result is a Congress wholly incapable of defending the U.S. and wholly subordinate to the Lobby. Mr. Felton shows how the Lobby played the key role in destroying the U.S.'s political independence and turned the country into a warmongering brickbat for Israel. " OpenLibrary
"A lucid and timely compilation of information and questions that should be the fodder of discussions in America and beyond. Readers will find this book a worthwhile acquisition even when they may not agree with everything stated." -Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, Yale University 
"Greg Felton, an erudite journalist and historian, exposes the duplicity and hypocrisy of George W. Bush's 'war on terrorism.' His analysis of the alliance of neo-conservatism and Christian/Jewish Zionism is highly informative and well researched, a subject our media keep untold." -Ismail Zayid, President, Canada Palestine Association 
"The Host and The Parasite is a profound reading of today's world. It forcefully brings to the surface historical injustices; injustices that today's powers-to-be buried in the trash bin of history, along with the hopes and dreams of entire peoples." -Sam Bahour, Ramallah, Palestine


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