Wednesday, May 30

The BBC caught out with its Zionist run propaganda machine

As we have seen so many times before the BBC has shown a distinct lean towards Israel or in this case a clear distortion of facts when it released a picture of the recent Houla massacre in Syria.
Take a close look at their front page photograph above  and then compare it with the photograph taken below by Marco Di Lauro 9 years earlier on 27th May 2003 in Al Musayyib Iraq and you can clearly see the lack of professionalism by the BBC.

I find it so unbelievable that the general public simply accept whatever is placed before them and in doing so accept this as being justification for going to war. Just by simply studying this photograph which are all children you can see that each row consists of around 25 – 30 bodies and so one can assume that in this photograph we are looking at four rows amounting to at least 125 and yet there were only 49 children killed in Houla, Syria.
Can one ever imagine that this once very professional media outlet earned so much respect from the people of Britain and now it has fallen to below a sub quality standard!!
Just imagine that the people of Britain are having to pay a TV Licence fee of £145-50 to keep this appalling station on line and they even have the audacity to charge the blind who now get a “Half Price” licence!!
What we are looking at here is exactly the same propaganda game the BBC played out in Libya with such striking resemblance.  BBC were extremely good at manufacturing the Libyan Revolution and frequently withheld the names of the supposed rebels and their locations. Much of their footage at the time was clearly acted out in from of their camera’s and in some cases much to the embarrassment of the BBC as one can clearly see in this particular case. 
The BBC is clearly losing its credibility as a news organization by faking, altering or even withholding the true status of what is actually happening on the ground. Many times one can see their standard line being “Though it was not possible to verify” or “Their accounts cannot be confirmed” shows clearly that there is no substance in their reporting. However, on the other hand one can almost totally rely on the authenticity of such channels as Press TV who tend to film such incidents as they happen.
As I have previously reported it is the west that is inciting unrest in Syria by openly arming and funding undisciplined militia with the added fact that the US, UK, Israel and France have their own special forces operating within Syria who are backed up by Intel Operatives from the CIA, MI5/6 and Mossad etc…..not forgetting security companies such as Blackwater.
It is time for the world to open their eyes to this terrible act of aggression and deceit that is currently being played out by the United Nations, Obama, Camaron and Hollande in seeking the truth.
We are clearly looking at yet another Libyan style regime change that will have terrible knock on consequences should a strike take place against Syria.

New “Dirty” Nuclear Weapons used in Libya
Just think “They want to stop Iran from producing the weapons they use each and every day”!!
What we are likely to see here is yet another western testing ground for advanced illegal weaponry which will include extensive use of Depleted Uranium weaponry and Neutron Bombs etc with the same ability of destroying the genetics of not only Syria but neighboring Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine and the entire Middle East.
I have reported before that when the Israelis attacked Lebanon in 2006 they also nuked themselves and again in 2008/9 when they hit Gaza………when will these maniacs understand that when they use the same weapons as were used in Libya the entire region becomes consumed in millions of radioactive nano particles that directly attack the human DNA.
What is so interesting about this current NATO push into taking action against Syria is the fact that Turkey is one of the member states and should they comply or assist in such an operation they will in actual fact be carrying out an act of genocide against their own people!!
 It is imperative for all the Islamic nations in the Middle East to fully understand that should they yet again take sides with the west, as they did in the case of Libya,  they will all become victim to these highly illegal weapons that are clearly “Weapons of Mass Destruction” that violate at least 4 chapters of the Geneva Convention.
Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant 

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