Monday, April 16

Rabbis For Violence, Brutality and Abuse

In recent years we have  learned about a few sporadic Rabbis who promote peace, justice and humanism. But more often it seems,  Israel’s prominent Rabbis are more openly enthusiastic about violence, brutality and abuse.
Ynet reports today that Israel leading rabbis rally to the aid of Lieutenant-Colonel Eisner, an IDF hooligan officer who attacked Danish peace activist yesterday.
Watch Israeli Lieutenant-Colonel Eisner assault.
Several prominent rabbis expressed their support for the religious Lieutenant-Colonel who was caught on camera brutally attacking a peace activist with his rifle. The Rabbis insist that the military’s decision to suspend the Lieutenant-Colonel was impetuous.
Lieutenant-Colonel Eisner expressed remorse over his action, saying that while he should not have flung his weapon at the activist, the video footage released depicted only “60 seconds out of a two-hour event.”  This is indeed a winning Talmudic spin. Rather than dealing with factuality and truth of the matter, we are asked to engage with the  ‘unknown’, the ‘missing footage’ so to say.
Rabbi Haim Drukman, who was Eisner’s mentor, described his former pupil as “a fine man, an idealist. He didn’t choose a military career because he needed a job – he is there to give his life for thesecurity of the IDF “. Rabbi Druknam may be correct here, looking again at the footage, we must admit that the silent Danish peace activist seems indeed to threaten the IDF, the State of Israel, and the Jewish people in general.
Former Chief IDF Rabbi Avihai Ronski slammed the decision to suspend Eisner, who he described as “a highly ethical individual.”  I guess that by now it is clear to most people that ‘ethics’ is a very relative notion in the Jews Only State.
I guess that the Israeli Rabbis are clever enough to discern a problem within the IDF’s attitude towards its hooligan officer. If Israel wants to maintain itself as the Jews only State, if Israel insists in maintaining its symptoms at the expense of the Palestinian indigenous population, then,  its officers must be brutal and vile towards any from of resistance.
Sooner or later, Israel and its Rabbis will have to make a very painful decision. They will have to face the horrific moral and ethical consequences of maintaining a racist, nationalist and expansionist Jewish State.

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