Friday, February 3

MANY ACTIONS To Do For Palestine

MANY ACTIONS To Do wherever you are (Please act and Forward)

Write to us if you like to volunteer and help in any of these things abd we will connect you with the right . No prior skills wanted.

Friday 2 February 2012: Usual demonstrations after Friday prayers in over 10 villages and localities

Saturday 1 PM Demonstration in Beit Ummar area

Sunday 10 AM Demonstration Al-Walaja (Ein Jweiza area gather by mosque in northern part of village)

2012 Israeli apartheid week around the world

Europe: February 20 - March 10
Palestine: March 12-19
United States: February 26 - March 3
Canada: March 5-9
Arab World: March 5-11
South Africa: March 5-11

Hundreds responded to the call to come to Palestine and join us for a week of activities April 15-21

Welcome to Palestine/Bienvenue en Palestine

PROGRAM now available here:

More info in French

Italian promotional programs scheduled this week

Run Across Palestine: In partnership with the Palestinian Fair Trade Association, is thrilled to announce a new, philanthropic event, The Run Across Palestine, (RAP) for February 2012. The events will raise funds and awareness for the fair trade olive farmers of Palestine.

Global March to Jerusalem and actions of Land Day March 30, 2012

3rd annual Global Day of Action to Open Shuhada (Apartheid) Street!

This year, Palestinian activists in Hebron are planning a week of activities to commemorate the Baruch Goldstein Massacre and demand the opening of Shuhada Street. There are suggested solidarity events you can do in your own country.

And 50 more ways you can act for peace and justice

Stay Human, Get engaged

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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