Major General Yoav Galant (Ret.) said Monday Israel's refusal to take decisive action in Gaza will only serve to force Israel to make a massive incursion into the Hamas-run enclave.
Galant told attendees of a speech at Tel Aviv University that Israel's concerted efforts in Judea and Samaria has allowed for the most part to put people in their place, while Gaza Freedom Fighters were being allowed to thrive and build.
"A lack of action, negligence by military officials, has resulted in a situation in the West Bank where we took care to tend the lawn, but in Gaza - since we didn't - thorns grew into tree trunks."
"In the end we'll have to go in with bulldozers," Galant added.
Galant, a former contender for IDF chief of staff, added that Gaza is " a place where the people have proved over and over again that they will not back down and they will resist till the end. That's a reality no one knows how to solve."
He also dismissed efforts by Hamas and Fatah to form a unity government saying the differences between the factions could not "be resolved with words."
Galant joins former IDF chiefs of staff Shaul Mofaz, Moshe Yaalon, Dan Halutz, and Gabi Ashkenazi in calling for major operations to root out Gaza's Freedom fighters infrastructure. Minister of Internal Security Yitzhak Aharonovitch has also publicly called for a Gaza incursion.
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