Monday, August 22

Americaican Lawmakers Working Hard In Israel while Americans are starving?

While the US continues to struggle with its economic issues Congress is on vacation. Many are upset at the news reports that 81 members of Congress have chosen to spend a week relaxing in Israel. These vacations are being paid for by AIPAC. Adam Shapiro, an activist, tells us his thoughts on the matter.


Congress� Dirty [Seven] Dozen on Aipac All-Expense-Paid Israel Junket PDF Richard Silverstein August 14, 2011
Mo Brooks R-5 AL
Eric Cantor R-7 VA
Russ Carnahan D-3 MO
Steve Chabot R-1 OH (went last month)
David Cicilline D-1 RI
Yvette Clarke D-11 NY
Mark Critz D- 12 PA
Scott DesJarlais R- 4 TN
Chuck Fleischman R-3 TN
John Garamendi D-10 CA
Kay Granger R-12 TX
Michael Grimm NY-13
Janice Hahn D-36 CA
Jaime Herrera Buetler R-3 WA
Mazie Hirono D- 2 HI
Steny Hoyer D-5 MD
Jesse Jackson Jr. D-2 IL
Patrick Meehan D-7 PA
Kevin McCarthy CA-22
Gwen Moore D-4 WI
Bill Owens D-23 NY
Steven Palazzo R-4 MS
Ed Perlmutter D-7 CO
Tom Price R-6 GA
Peter Roskam R-6 IL
Loretta Sanchez D-47 CA
David Schweikert R-5 AZ
Adam Smith D-9 WA
Steve Southerland R-2 FLA
Betty Sutton D-13 OH
Scott Tipton R-3 CO
Allen West R-22 FL
Frederica Wilson D-17 FL
Kevin Yoder R-3 KS
Kathy Castor D-11 FL
Terri Sewell D-7 AL (not confirmed)
Hank Johnson D-4 GA

Congressional Junkets To Israel - Paying Homage To Israeli Lobby Power PDF By Stephen Lendman 8-13-11

Where in the World is YOUR Representative?! PDF endtheoccupation August 9, 2011

PROOF AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND MILITARY IS RUN BY ISRAEL Video .MP4 Jun 10, 2011 - Israel have its tenacles across the globe they are finaced by USA citizens

June , 2011 -- AIPAC lobbying strategy goes global... Entire countries, not just members of the US Congress, now feel the jack boot of Israeli pressure.... PDF May 31, 2011 - Resolution 377 can be used to circumvent a U.S. veto in the Security Council to bring the cause of Palestine recognition to the General Assembly


AIPAC 101 � What Every American Should Know Video by Anthony Lawson May 13, 2011

AIPAC Infiltrating American Colleges Video 16th Nov 10

EXPOSED This is how Israel controls your media EVERYONE SHOULD SEE THIS Video 91177info2 September 29, 2010

AIPAC and the never-ending case PDF September 09, 2010 - In 1962, U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy ordered AIPAC's parent organization, the American Zionist Council (AZC), to register as an Israeli foreign agent. AIPAC is simply the rebranded American Zionist Council, an unregistered foreign agent.

AIPAC Received Classified US Trade Docs from Israeli Embassy -- IRmep PDF - An FBI file reveals the Israeli embassy passed stolen classified US government information to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)

The End 4: Jewish Moral Deception, Free Speech, and the Israel Lobby Video jwillfilms August 24, 2010

The “12 Commandments” of the Israel Lobby PDF By Lawrence Swaim | InFocus News* | August, 2010

Operation Opera II - Israeli Attack on Iran PDF SARTRE August 8, 2010

AIPAC influenced/neoconned House OK抯 possible Israeli raid on Iran PDF Author: Patriot July 24th, 2010

Treason by Members of the United States Congress Video alawson911 March 27, 2010

AIPAC- We’ll take over the UC Berkeley student government PDF by Cecilie Surasky April 7 2010

israel killed John Kennedy- JFK by Hesham Tillawi Video - JFK was trying to get the American Zionist Council to register as a foreign agent in the months leading up to his death which would have prevented them from paying off politicians. The same person that headed that organization started AIPAC.

Disengaging America From The Israel Lobby PDF By Karin Friedemann 9-5-9

The Spies Who Got Away PDF by Justin Raimondo, May 04, 2009

The AIPAC Spy Case PDF By JAMES G. ABOUREZK May 4, 2009 - Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman had been charged in 2005 with the crime of espionage

(Obama) Government moves to dismiss AIPAC case PDF May 01, 2009 - [Imagine my shock! -ed.]

Conference of Traitors PDF May 2, 2009


Wiretap scandal of leading Democrat 'who lobbied for Israeli spies' PDF April 22, 2009 - Harman was allegedly told that she would be appointed to an intelligence post if she used her influence in favour of pro-Israel lobbyists.

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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