Saturday, May 14

theory on the OBL operation / video: The Men Behind Obama

     I speculate that Obama's recent assassinations (of OBL and Gadaffi's family)  is part of Operation Re-elect Obama.

1) Why does the oligarchy care whether they install Obama or 'the other guy'? I think Webster Tarpley sums it up perfectly Click on this link: (VIDEO: The men behind Obama): Obomba is the perfect mask  for US imperialism.

2) Why did they need to pull off these particular operations for the sell?
Well, who now is stickin around, supporting this pathological liar & assassin in the White House? Who on the left is naive enuf to still believe the hype from 2008? Who is immoral enuf - after ALL has been exposed - to fall for the democracker 'lesser of 2 evils' BS, again?
Gone, I suspect (would hope) are all the young folk who got snookered first time around; ditto a majority of blacks. Ditto independents and some disgusted democrats (who should have known better, btw; evidence on this guy was aplenty if one did even minimal research)

Here to stay are the die-hard democrackers - who would vote for Charles Manson is he were the D-candidate.
So who to pick up? The yahoos, the kick-ass bully-boys-and-girls that america breeds and panders to.  To the detriment of all of us, world-wide, who want a liveable planet with justice and liberty for all.

Apathy is killing us...

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