By Khalid Amayreh
Once again, Israel is having a free season on the Palestinian people. In less than 48 hours, Israel has murdered as many as 20 Palestinians, most of them innocent civilians.
Israel uses the most advanced and most lethal arms in the American arsenal to wreak death and havoc on an essentially unarmed and unprotected civilian population. Heavy artillery shells are often fired into heavily populated neighborhoods, with predictable consequences.
News reports from the Gaza Strip speak of White Phosphorus bombs being used again Gaza civilians. Israel heavily used this lethal type of death agent during its Nazi-like blitzkrieg on Gaza more than two years ago, incinerating many people and causing untold death.
None the less, the strange and conspicuous absence of world anger and condemnation seems to have emboldened the Judeo-Nazi state to commit more crimes.
More to the point, the recent statements by South African Judge Richard Goldstone, which partially vindicated Israel of war crimes and crimes against humanity during the 2008-9 blitzkrieg seem to have convinced the Zionist leadership that no matter how many innocent Palestinians Israel may murder knowingly and deliberately, the apartheid Zionist entity will be always exonerated, thanks to American complicity and acquiescence.
Israel claims that its ongoing criminal aggression on Gaza has been a response to an attack by Hamas on an Israeli bus on 7 April, in which two Israelis were injured, one critically.
However, this is an obscene lie.
The nearly empty bus itself was moving in a military Zone which made it a legitimate target for the Palestinian resistance, especially when Israel kept killing Palestinians civilians regardless of the resistance.
This means that the attack on the bus, which Hamas said was not intended to harm Israeli children, was a response to earlier Israeli attacks which killed many innocent Palestinians.
For example, on Friday 1 April, Israel assassinated a 24-year-old member of a Palestinian resistance faction. The next day, the Israeli air force murdered three members of the same resistance group.
Similarly, on Tuesday, April 5, Israeli forces shot dead an innocent Palestinian in Northern Gaza . And on Wednesday, April 6, at dawn, Israeli forces bombarded Gaza in three air strikes, injuring four people, including two women (one of them pregnant) and a child.
On the same day, April 6, hundreds of Gazan children participated in a march, appealing to the international community to protect them against virtually daily Israeli raids and attacks.
Now, since April 7, the Israeli occupation army has killed as many as 20 Palestinians, mostly innocent men, women and children, at the pretext that an Israeli teenager or two were injured.
Dozens of other Palestinian civilians were also injured in these raids by the state-of-the art of the Israeli machine of death, such as F-16 fighter jets and the apache helicopter gunship.
This chronology of events proves beyond doubt that Israel has a fixed policy of attacking and killing innocent Palestinian civilians regardless of any Palestinian provocations.
Hamas has said repeatedly that it is not interested in a new round of war with the Zionist regime. After all, Gazans have not fully overcome the consequences of the last war and certainly have been unable to rebuild what the Israeli war machines destroyed during that criminal war.
However, Gazans will never surrender to Zionist aggression no matter how many Gazans are martyred in this long and bitter conflict with the Judeo-Nazi regime which thrives and prospers on violence and bloodshed.
It is true that the current circumstances in the world are not in the Palestinians' favor. However, this should never mean that Israel will be able to wrest from Hamas now what the Israeli army couldn’t wrest during the murderous blitzkrieg more than two years ago, namely a sort of capitulation to Zionist whims and arrogance of power.
It is uncertain whether Israel is planning to re-occupy Gaza , even for a brief period of time.
However, there is no doubt that the current Israeli government, the most extremist and fascist in Israel's history, would like to achieve a number of tactical goals by waging another wave of bloody aggression on the thoroughly brutalized people of Gaza.
These include achieving a high degree of deterrent vis-à-vis Palestinian resistance groups, especially Hamas. This deterrence eroded to a certain degree in recent weeks as Palestinian resistance factions sought to respond to Israeli provocations by firing projectiles onto Israeli-held territory every time Israel waged a new aggression against the Gaza Strip.
Israel also hopes to keep Palestinians under constant psychological pressure by keeping them in a constant state of vulnerability.
In the final analysis, Israel wants the Palestinians to suffer silently and die or more correctly be killed quietly or as quietly as possible, and not even cry out in the faces of their killers and tormentors.
Needless to say, this is not the behavior of a state that is interested in peace or even any acceptable modus vivendi with its neighbors.
It is a state that can't survive without spilling blood and killing innocent human beings.
As such, this state is effectively digging its grave with its own hands. I have no doubt that the demise and downfall of Israel will be dramatic and thundering, at least in proportion to its arrogance and insolence.
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!
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