Tuesday, April 5

Google does not want you to catch the Truth Virus

Knowing The Truth about Israel and Their Supporters 

Google And The Zionist State Trying to Censor more Online Sites

Maybe they don't like the book, maybe they don't don't like the postings that Criminal State Does.
What ever the case,  the Palestine Post now has a censor from Google. When ever you u visit the Post located here: http://www.palestinepost.org/ if you are using the Google Chrome web browser the following happens: the below message appears (without the book image of course) .

Believe me the only purpose of the Palestine Post is to post the news that has anything to with Palestine and I doubt That the web site Criminal State has anything to do with harming your computer.

Malware Icon
Warning: Something's 
Not Right Here!
 contains content from
 a site known to distribute
Your computer might 
catch a virus if 
you visit this site.
Google has found 
malicious software may 
be installed 
onto your computer
 if you proceed. 
If you've visited this 
site in the past 
or you trust this site, 
it's possible that it has just recently been
 compromised by a hacker. 
You should not proceed, and perhaps 
try again tomorrow or go somewhere else.
We have already notified
 criminal state that we found
 malware on
 the site. For more about the problems
 found on www.criminalstate.com, 
visit the Google 
If you understand that visiting this site may 
harm your computer, proceed anyway.

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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