Wednesday, March 16

Zion, Sex and Resolution 3379

London 2012 Zion Logo

Sex and Zion

Showing a typical aspect of their culture, most Hebrew speaking Jews find this issue amusing rather than embarrassing. For unclear reasons, the Hebrew term and name “Tzion” (pronounce tzee-ohn, “ee” short, “oh” long) has been transliterated into English as Zion. Its pronunciation is closer to a Hebrew word meaning “sexual intercourse” than to “Tzion.”
Maybe this symbolizes the actual relations between Zionists and Anglo-Saxons. Following the lead, the Hebrew term for “Zionism” is “Tzionut” (pronounce it like “Tzion” and add “oot”), if following the same transliteration method, the result would be very near the Hebrew word for “prostitution.” Any additional comment is superfluous. Accordingly recent complaints by at least one country say that the London 2010 Logo spells out a funky “Zion,” look at the picture above and decide by yourself.
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379
On November 10, 1975, the United nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 3379, which ends with an undying truth: “…which most severely condemned zionism as a threat to world peace and security and called upon all countries to oppose this racist and imperialist ideology, Determines that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination.” (see full text at the bottom of this page)
Another important text appearing in this resolution is: “international co-operation and peace require the achievement of national liberation and independence, the elimination of colonialism and neo-colonialism, foreign occupation, zionism, apartheid and racial discrimination in all its forms,…”
Almost 35 years later – on October 16, 2009 – the same United Nations adopted the The Goldstone Reportdownload here full text). The brutality of the events described there – include the bombing of civilians within a hospital with white phosphorous – leaves no place for doubt: Israel didn’t change attitude. It is still a racist and brutal organization. Sadly, the fate of Resolution 3379 was different. - which condemned Israel on its brutal attack on Gaza. The report defines Israel as a terror inflicting organization (Article 1690 and others,
Israeli Insolence (a.k.a Chutzpah)
The same day Resolution 3379 was adopted with an overwhelming vote of a vote of 72 to 35 (and 32 abstentions), the Israeli Ambassador to the UN was given the opportunity to answer.
Chaim Herzog – who later became Israel’s president due to this charade – said then to the assembly the Jewish false-mantra: “another manifestation of the bitter anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish hatred which animates Arab society.” He didn’t became famous for these words, but due to the shame that followed them: Herzog tore the UN resolution in half.
This Israeli attitude toward the UN is not new. The United Nations granted independence to Israel – though conditioned – and ever since Israel downgrades the UN and ignores its resolutions. David Ben Gurion – Israel’s first Prime Minister and illegitimate declarer of its independence – used to refer to the UN as “UM-SHMUM,” which translates into good English as “UN-SHMUN.” Not exactly the Buddhist “OM.”
Spain’s Bailout
Years later, Israelis kept complaining day and night about the whole world being against them while citing Resolution 3379. Then, on October 30, 1991, the Madrid Conference was hosted by the government of Spain and co-sponsored by the USA and the USSR. In its three days a peace process involving Israel and the Palestinians, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan was initiated. In order to attend the event, Israel blackmailed the international community by imposing an ultimatum: nullify Resolution 3379 or there is no Madrid Conference. Ever compliant, the USA began a massive international campaign – at the expense of American taxpayers - on behalf of Israel.
Shortly after the conference – on December 16, 1991, the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 46/86 passed with a vote of 111 to 25, with 13 abstentions. It is the only revoking resolution in the history of the UN. It revoked Resolution 3379, despite nothing having changed on the ground.
Gaza’s Tumbling
There is no way of ignoring Israel’s crimes during the last decades. If necessary to have a specific pretext, then the The Goldstone Report is good enough; it has been approved by the Human Rights Council of the UN. The peace process begun at Madrid has failed. There is a real probability that even the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel would be revoked in a popular referendum of the post-Mubarak Egypt. Under these conditions, we must face the violent Israeli reality and demand from the UN General Assembly: Revalidate Resolution 3379.

http://www.roytov.comThe views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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