Saturday, January 1

Palestinian doctor open legal proceedings against the Israeli War Ministry

by Hiyam Noir
Over 400 Palestinian children was killed during the Zionist massacre, "Operation Cast Lead"  on Gaza two years ago. Many hundreds more were wounded. One of the parents, Izzedin Abuelaish, whose children also were killed in the latest Gaza massacre, is a Gaza doctor, whom also researched the effects of conflict-related stress on Palestinian children, lost three of his daughters,the 15 year-old  Mayar, Aya 13, and Bissan 20, when the Israeli army fired shells at his home in Jabalya in the northern Gaza.
Dr. Abuelaish will on Sunday file a massive damages claim, against the Israeli army, an Israeli newspaper reports. He told the Yedioth Ahronoth during a phone interview from Canada, to where he immigrated following the tragedy, - "I did not have the  ability earlier to file a lawsuit, and until this very moment I did not want to discuss it, it is too painful".

"I have tried to take every step that would allow me to close this family tragedy, with the love for my daughters, yet they didn't leave me a choice. According to the law, the statute of limitations will apply to this case, within a few weeks, except for there can never be any statute of limitations on the blood of my daughters.It will stay with me forever,it's a disaster,impossible to forget."

Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish have said, that if a mistake had been made and an errant tank shell had hit his home, he expected an apology, not excuses.Now he have instructed his attorney to try to avoid a lawsuit and reach a settlement with the Israeli army, according to the report, a rendering that would include both recognition and compensation.However no such settlement has yet been reached.The Israeli War Ministry legal adviser, Ahaz Ben-Ari,announced this week that Abuelaish does not deserve any compensation.
As always manipulative and arrogant, trying to get away with murder and any responsibility for it's criminal conduct around the world and in particular against the Palestinians, the Israelis also this time  find an excuse. The adviser of the Israeli "Ministry of War", Ahaz Ben- Ari, clarified that; - "Despite the severe outcome, from a legal stand point, our stance is that the operation during in which Dr. Abuelaish's family members were hurt was an operation of war. Therefore, the State of Israel does not carry the responsibility for the damage it has caused."

Be certain that of principal concerns every step along the path, and the finale outcome of these legal proceedings against the Israeli War Ministry,will be closely monitored around the world.

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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