Monday, January 31

Let's stop calling Egypt's dictator a "president"

.  Events are moving quickly in Egypt, and we too must move quickly to support the Egyptians' struggle for freedom.

That's why I have to ask:  Why are major US media organizations using the term "president" for Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak?

Mubarak is a dictator who has ruled Egypt for 30 years.  He is not a president by any democratic definition of the word.

This is important because US taxpayers are forced to give $10 each in annual military aid to Mubarak's dictatorship — a dictator tax.  Americans need to know the true nature of the dictator we are forced to fund.

Please urge key US media organizations to stop using the word "president" when reporting on Hosni Mubarak.  He is a dictator.

Click here to urge US media to stop calling Mubarak "president."

Thank you.

Sanjeev Bery
Freedom Forward

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