Sunday, January 23

The documents reveal the power concessions in Jerusalem

Qurei said that there was a common interest in keeping some settlements in Jerusalem (European - Archive)

Revealed confidential documents seen by the island that the Palestinian Authority has waived demands to remove all Israeli settlements in Jerusalem with the exception of the eastern settlement of Jabal Abu Ghneim or "Har Homa," according to the label of Israel, and expressed its readiness to make concessions unprecedented in the Haram al-Sharif, shy of the Armenians and Sheikh Jarrah.
Showed a transcript of talks on what is now known as final status issues in the Palestinian-Israeli negotiations that the negotiators agreed that the power of Israel all the settlements in East Jerusalem except for Jabal Abu Ghneim.
According to the minutes of the meeting on June 15, 2008 was attended by U.S. and Israeli negotiators, the head of the negotiating team in the Palestinian Authority, Ahmed Qurei, said: "This latest proposal could help in the process of exchange."
He added "We have proposed that Israel has all the settlements in Jerusalem with the exception of Mount Abu Ghneim (Har Homa)."He continues, "This is the first time in history in which we have rejected such a proposal to do that at Camp David."
Qurei has been like a modern summary of this explicit and clear the display - with maps - the Palestinian negotiating delegation, under his chairmanship on the fourth of May 2008, the same meeting in which he said Qurei to the Israelis that there is a common interest in maintaining some of the settlements.
Has refused to do so at Camp David
Armenian QuarterHas tended chief Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat, the same direction when he said at a meeting on October 21, 2009 with the U.S. envoy to the Middle East, George Mitchell, according to a document confidential, "for the ancient city, it be under Palestinian sovereignty, except the Jewish Quarter and part of the Armenian quarter."
This is the first time that the apparent decline of the Palestinian adherence to the Armenian Quarter when compared to this stance, including leakage from the position of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat at Camp David.
On the position of the Temple Mount continues Erekat said in a meeting the same "campus can be left for discussion. There are creative ways, such as the composition of the body or the Commission, for example, obtaining pledges not to drill."
Continuing waiver
Was awarded the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of Jerusalem is also its share of a series of Palestinian decline as indicated by the confidential documents.
Fbconh Qurei alludes to the possibility of bargaining power when he says the Israeli side in a negotiation meetings "in the context of exchange of land for the area in Sheikh Jarrah, we must get the reward."
Stresses Israeli in JerusalemAccording to Erekat, it offers in return for Palestinian Israelis refused to discuss Jerusalem, which Israel insists that it is outside the circle of negotiation.
This is confirmed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the former Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni at a meeting on 15 June 2008 with Qureia and Secretary of State then Condoleezza Rice , saying "We told the Palestinians that we will not Nawwadhm any land is part of Israel," to mean East Jerusalem, which the Tel Aviv has announced the annexation of Israeli sovereignty.
In other meetings, Livni insisted that Jerusalem "is the capital of a united, non divided Israel and the Jewish people for 3007 years", which was raised in protest by the Palestinian negotiators.
What took place between Erekat and Mitchell is not a secret what a monument to the press (Reuters) -
No JordanDuring a meeting with lawyers from the Negotiations Support Unit on the fifth of May 2009 Erekat rejects any connection to Jordan, the holy city and say, "I do not want to be Jordan's nothing to do with Jerusalem."
In his last meeting on January 15, 2010 with David Hill, Deputy Mitchell, Erekat stressed that "what's in that paper that gives them greater Izhalim in Jewish history."
After Hill asked him to be "more specific" Erekat said, "You know the paper - the paper that I gave to Daniel, by President ( Mahmoud Abbas ) Abu Mazen himself. "
No solutionRice suggested - according to the minutes of the meeting on July 29, 2008 with Qurei and Erekat - that "Jerusalem will be an open city. I do not want the Palestinians to wait forever to answer may not come."
Rice said later "1967 is the baseline, but if we waited to decide on sovereignty over the Temple Mount or Haram ... the children of your children will not come to an agreement. When it comes to holy places, no one will argue on the other's sovereignty. Let her alone without a solution" .
Erekat pointed out in a meeting that the emphasis on the issue of Jerusalem is a political issue associated with making sure the future existence of the Palestinian Authority.

Al Jazeera

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