Wednesday, December 8

Why America Must die

Rebel News Editorial
More and more people are coming to the realisation that our ruling crime families are destroying the United States. Not all of them dare to consider that this is happening according to a century old Judeo-Masonic plan known as the Protocols as the Elders of Zion, but there is wide agreement on the following points:
  1. The ability of American workers to earn a living wage is being destroyed by the combined effect of unsustainable levels of immigration and the export of jobs to slave labour countries such as China, India, Indonesia and the Philippines.
  2. American citizens are robbed and enslaved by the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve.
  3. This situation has been aggravated by obscene overspending on military and countless wars for the profit of private enterprises and foreign governments.
At the same time, the U.S. government has – for decades – been acting in ways that made the United States eclipse even the Zionist hell-hole as the most hated country in the world, despised by hundreds of millions, if not billions of people, who cannot wait to see both countries to be 'wiped off the map'.
The obvious question most people fail to ask is why we are being manipulated to feel that way? Why are our ruling crime families engaged in such wilful destruction of the richest and most powerful country. Don't they all have substantial financial interests in the United States?
It's all about efficiency, which societal model works best for them. Democracy has served them well for over a century, but no later than the 1970's it has become too complex and expensive as a tool for mass control. Billions wasted on elections nobody goes to, controlling media nobody reads, and grooming politicians nobody trusts.
With the advent of the Internet, democracy has become even more difficult to control. More and more people are finding out how the system really works. There is no point any more to keep up the illusion. In fact, I suspect the Internet – as we know it – has been created to leave those factions of our ruling crime families who prefer to maintain the democracy illusion with no choice but agreeing to abandon it.
Our self-chosen rulers are not stupid and they take no unnecessary risk. They experimented for decades which societal model works best for them. The socialist Singaporean model, not a country but a family business disguising as republic, successfully created a docile people solely interested in food, holidays and shopping. The only reason why our ruling crime families are unwilling to roll out this successful model on a global scale, is that they are too stingy to provide the entire world population with affordable first class housing, education and medical services like they have done in Singapore.
The much maligned North Korean lab test has also been successful in the sense that it has provided valuable data on how far you can push a population through hunger and terror, but as an economic model it dismally failed.
The Iranian model, on the other hand, while economically highly successful, has proven to be difficult to manage, because of the notorious stubbornness and idiosyncrasies of clergymen.
The clear winner is Chinese communism which turned out to be the most cost-effective and economically successful societal model, from a ruling crime families point of view.
Which brings us back to the question why America must die. America is the single biggest hurdle for the world-wide substitution of Western style democracy with Chinese-style communism because it is the oldest, biggest and most powerful Western democracy, and its population is highly aggressive and armed to the teeth. Once America has fallen, all other democracies will quickly follow, but as long as it is still standing, other countries are more likely to resist.
Western democracy is like a cheque that was never intended to be honoured. We need the American people, its fighting-spirit and its guns, if we want to have any chance of cashing it in.

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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  1. Anonymous7:39 pm

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