Tuesday, December 14

Israeli Apartheid: We Don't Buy It!

End the Occupation
December 13, 2010  

Israeli Apartheid: We Don't Buy It!

Anna BaltzerI'm delighted to be writing to you for the first time as National Organizer for the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation!

Creative campaigns for boycott and divestment are forming from Portland to Philadelphia and everywhere in between.

Last Friday, International Human Rights Day, members of the US Campaign staff joined friends from Jewish Voice for Peace, United Palestinian Appeal, Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, Friends of Sabeel North America and others, outside the Washington office of TIAA-CREF.

We demanded that TIAA-CREF divest from Israeli occupation and apartheid. We sang holiday carols with lyrics exposing the criminal complicity of Caterpillar, Motorola, and other stocks found in TIAA-CREF's pension portfolios.

Local concerned investors went inside for meetings with their advisors and delivered a petition. Similar events took place in more than a dozen cities around the country, showing TIAA-CREF that we mean business!

If you haven't yet, learn more about the TIAA-CREF campaign and sign the petition by clicking here!

Click either image to enlarge:
Boycott advocates in Gaza TIAA-CREF protest in DC
Palestinians advocating boycott (©2010 Skip Schiel, teeksaphoto.org)
TIAA-CREF protest in Washington last week

Holiday Shoppers, Watch Out!

On the streets, in the malls, and online we say boycott Israeli Apartheid.  Join us!

  1. Check out the St. Louis Solidarity Committee going Gaga in Best Buy and AT&T in St. Louis.  We got down to Lady Gaga's "Telephone" in an awesome Flash Mob.  Props to Philly BDS for their inspiring example. Watch the video! 

  2. Ahava toolkitCarol against Ahava - There's still time for caroling outside your local retailer of Ahava Dead Sea products made in illegal Jewish-only West Bank settlements. See the Ahava Caroling How-To Guide and Song sheets.

  3. Save (the) Amazon!Can't tolerate the Malls? Covered in snow? We still have good outlets for your creativity. Educate online shoppers about the evils of Caterpillar by writing a product review on Amazon.

I look forward to all the important work ahead of us, and to doing it together. 
We have what it takes, and eventual success is inevitable. After all, in the movement to end Israeli occupation and apartheid, we have justice on our side.

Anna Baltzer
National Organizer
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation

I'm enthusiastic to learn more about the priorities and aspirations of member groups over the coming weeks and months. So, organizers can expect to be hearing from me soon!

Support Our Work:

BDS on the UN Agenda
Two weeks ago, speaking at the U.N. in New York, on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, our steering committee member Judith LeBlanc, put leaders on-notice that the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement is not only necessary, but already succeeding.
Judith LeBlanc at U.N.
Click to see video of Judith LeBlanc's 10-minute speech at the U.N. or to read highlights of her remarks.

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