Friday, November 12

It's ok Dad ( i'm only seething…at the chutzpuh)

Darkness from flying smoke smashed into a tower
Backblow from decades of sins and injustice as little eichmann's cower
Propaganda tower shouts we need overwhelming power
never forget 911but will never learn from it
So we drone revenge by murdering millions 
A crazy crusade renewed
Perpetual war for the grasp of a darth-empires reach eagle flew
The same crimes from before it was born like locust plague blew
Just ask an Indian who was Tecumseh
Massacred by manifested destined colonialists
And they call it progress 
6000 miles away reservations are corralled as caged islands in the sand
Covert kosher cops grab kids to beat down, subvert, coerce and sign phony confessions
In Bilin Gandhi is given a year for obeying the law and committing nonviolence
As the cackling Knesset squawks for a final solution of ethnic cleansing
617 human beings executed, 23 investigations and not one conviction  
Buzzing drones snuff children, women and innocent men indiscriminately
Open season on elected officials, on civilians and a 13 year old kid is an adult in Israeli legalities
A targeted Palestinian is a freedom fighter fighting occupiers of his country
Head shots a specialty on Palestinians for daring to complain or just for bleeding 
The state decides who and where to build
Without being a loyal jew you have few rights in the 'Middle East's only democracy'
As soldiers piss into your water tank your complaint is filed and killed
As your trees are burned by immigrants as soldiers smoke cigarettes
This they call 'price tag' and justified self-defense
As they steal, oppress, segregate, and shackle Palestinians like they were Jews and this was Nazi Germany 
Now your home is taken away and your crops are razed
You go to court where they snicker behind apartheid walls who now call your land 'a closed military area'
Divide and conquer is the insane game to take away ten thousands years of life
Checkpoints raised to choke and harass make life unbearable so that you want to escape apartheid strife
But where can you go when they shackle your legs and they're shattered? 
Facts on the ground they make of towns that cannot connect
Sign an oath to those who broke your bones, razed your home
As they raid again and blindfold your kid who moans as a human shield demanding no retaliation
Orders, laws and edicts to strangle you, within an open air prison
While hanging over your brow the Samson option if they can't have it all
And you know it just isn't kosher 
Back in the policed states of america war ho's are heroes bought, bribed, blessed, bled, burped and then pushed aside
Polluted flag waving from every nook and cranny like repulsive swastikas flying majestically over tyrannicide
The greatest purveyor and exporter of violence and terrorism today
Is the self-claimed greatest nation as it straddles the world astride
But crooked as an senatorial ensign from Las Vegas
Jumping headless chickens, corrupt corporate elephants and dumb dirty donkeys tease screaming tea smokers obscenities and hypocrisies
For the lucid and hectored few who see that all is phony

Millions displaced and homeless as marginalized refugees     
But the world is silent in its betrayal of Palestinian debris
Obama screeching quite eloquently about change we can believe in
Then does everything he said he wouldn't do and doesn't do what he promised
As the saintly puppet gets painted as white as white can be by chosen power and aipac pride greased by dirty money
As he supports military occupation, repression, oppression, subjugation and segregation 
Light is cast to break the dark
But the dim howls patriotic bark and flag spun white-fanged snarled
Wraps itself in a banner to mask the truth molds gnarled
As cowards under the cover of security murder anything with reach
As narcissist narcs slither and snoop to spy out traitors of freedom and democracy 
While graft, bribes and dirty deeds in the hallways of the US government
Is how democracy does its business as it shatters the credos it kills and dies for
Behind locked doors transparency is quashed to the floor
As the piped piper surges forward for more war
As timetables are just hourglasses turned upside down again
But its alright Dad,
Doublespeak is their only language that they can articulate 
As heros are called cowards for daring the unndarable
As war ho's who fight for a buck are dubbed 'our heroes'
The court decrees the president a legal assassin, a gansta of capitalism
Who decides by machine gun who will die and who will win
If your not on america's team you don't get in 
Israel can have a nuke and break the law
While the indignation sticks like glue in your craw
Breaking any principle value and every bylaw
No one dares to squawk or balk
Because  her only friend is the worlds  biggest bully 
So as the world slips slides deep down the slope of war
Arm merchants and politicians call out for more more more
Phony patriots and flag wrapped duped poor - scorn the word
As they take the $ and kill kill kill
So that it never ends
But its alright Dad we will mend it 
Water is taken for pools and spas
From those with cracked lips who don't have enough to dip or sip
As their villages and crops get sewage drip and the settlers laugh and quip
While the cops are on the side of the criminals who snap the horsewhip 
Kids die from dysentery
Babies born at checkpoints
Law used as a hammer by thieves
By those who should know better who then sell stolen body parts
Who laugh at kids who play in rubble
As they ethnically cleanse and call themselves the chosen
And i find it disgusting as the torah and talmud is massacred in a holocaust 
Emancipation right of self-determination
Segregation into poor and rich and still we do nothing
As neo-nazis call complaints anti-Semitism as they worship nepotism and naricissim,
The tool use of anti-semtism is nothing but chutzpah 
As terror terrorizes and war kills indiscriminately
Apostates who call themselves Christians try to destroy their enemies
As they worship greed and grab wealth by any violent means
Bloody hands never clean as they slaughter with utter hypocrisy
And still, it goes on as an ever living nightmare
That we cant wake from traumatized into medicated numbness 
Rich ring the working poor for every drop of blood then squeeze more
Duped to fight in wars to become suicidal warfare whores
As they pay a price for the owner's profit
And we're too hoodwinked by phony patriotism to protest
While they wrap their greed in the flag as you see too late you appreciate
That it's the system that is to blame since this whole damn capitalist thing was fabricated 
As I write lines no one reads and scream a scream no one hears as I reach for a vision too few dream
Light inside breaking free in a land of utter darkness and fears they call Palestine
In the land of the free caged in tighter and tighter pens that sears  the soul in america
I jihad for peace and an unity globally in utter equality as they shoot at me
But its ok Dad, I have a son who will take my place if they get me 
But don't believe what the pretty blonde or suit reads over the TV to you
They're nothing but mouthpieces for the corporate ploy and spew
But its al right Dad, i'm only seething and my middle finger is stiff as steel

And they can stick their chutzpah where the sun don't shine

This posting was by  Michael Hall

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