Friday, November 12

Criticizing Israel isn’t anti-Semitic The source for this posting.

Criticizing Israel isn’t anti-Semitic Canada’s current agenda is to praise Israel no matter what. The Liberal position on Israel is hardly any different to the Conservatives’… both Harper and Ignatieff expressed a remarkably similar doctrine – critics of Israel are anti-Semites. Harper bluntly referred to Israel Apartheid Week (which occured as protests against the Israeli government on campuses across Canada) as “anti-Semitic.” Ignatieff made the same claim… they managed to paint supporters of Israel as moderates and supporters of peace-talks as anti-Semites. In the meantime, Harper has the gall to say that Israel is “consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation.” Accusing detractors of Israeli policies of anti-Semitism is, at its core, childish politics.

“Let it be clear: Criticism of Israel is not anti-Semitic, and saying so is wrong, But singling Israel out for selective condemnation and opprobrium — let alone denying its right to exist or seeking is destruction — is discriminatory and hateful, and not saying so is dishonest.” Ottawa Protocol
Today too often Education, religion, the mass media and entertainment have been hijacked and  are too often programmed as instruments of false “thought control” and “mind manipulation” as a result. 
It’s true,  that some supporters of Israel occasionally use “anti-Semitism” to shield Israel from criticism.Anti-Semitic to criticize Israeli construction in Jerusalem?; one man’s anti-Semitism is another’s freedom to criticize Israel.
Harper on Israel: Is the Prime Minister mentally sound? In effect, PM Stephen Harper has taken the position of being Israel’s defender no matter what – in other words, this commitment comes before his duty as prime minister, before his duty to represent Canada’s interests abroad, before his role of elected representative. Harper is a defender of Israel no matter the consequences for Canada. … he has never mentioned the brutal assault on Gaza which killed over 1200 civilians, called the wanton destruction of Lebanon “a measured response” and backs Israel in all of its patently phony “commitments” to negotiating peace while deliberately taking positions that no Palestinian leader could possibly agree to.This declaration of the “new anti-Semitism” is pure hogwash and everyone stating it or using it to attack critics of Israel knows it.  For one thing, thousands of North American and European Jews regularly attack Israel’s brutal treatment of the Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank.  Of course, Zionists refer to these humanitarians as “Jew-hating Jews,” a clever bit of racist spin but far from the mark. Israel’s flunkies have to come up with something to attack because the evidence is clear – actual incidents of anti-Semitism have been on the decline for years. Something had to be done to make it look otherwise
  • A group of Jewish settlers have burned down a church in Jerusalem and torched a number of mosques in the West Bank but none of the perpetrators has been apprehended.

  • Israel continues to steal Arab land to build thereon Jewish settler units

  • In recent days and weeks, gangs of Jewish settlers have burned down thousands of olive trees belonging to Palestinian farmers  happened in full view of Israeli occupation soldiersand none of the perpetrators have been arrested.

  • Safed Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu issued a religious ruling prohibiting Jews from renting homes to Israeli Arab citizens.

  • It has been revealed that a recent Hebrew translation of the Talmud (from the ancient Aramaic language) contains the hateful anti-Christian omissions known as Chesronot Shas. Some of these pieces exhort Jews to recite the following curse before uttering the name Jesus: “May his name be damned, may his memory be erased.” According to some rabbinic figures, Jesus is now boiling in hell in a cauldron of human excrement.

  • Less any one gets lost, there are Good Jews, Good Arabs, good Americans, good Canadians and bad ones too.   But is seems both Jews and Arabs are equally guilty of hate, unforgiveness, revenge, theft, murder, an eye for an eye approach  so we can realy not support either side as being mainly in the right
     Furthermore it should be evident to many people that too many persons still do cut and paste, chose Bible verse they like and cut out , they falsely do reject the ones they do not like, misunderstand  and/or try to rewrite the Bible to suit their own liking, they re-interpret Bible verses  for their own purposes, they now are false revisionists.
     “Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me“  Exodus 20:5
    Heaven awaits the Jewish return TO God, Jesus Christ, and rather NOT TO THE PROMISED EARTHLY LAND
    It should be evident to any Bible reader that everything the Jews did was not God sanctioned even as chosen ones not even the Wars between the Jews and/or the Babylonians, Romans:
    The Jews’ Great Revolt against Rome in 66 C.E. led to one of the greatest catastrophes in Jewish life and, in retrospect, clearly also has been a terrible mistake.
    During the summer of 70, the Romans breached the walls of Jerusalem, and initiated an orgy of violence and destruction. Shortly thereafter, they destroyed the Second Temple. This was the final and most devastating Roman blow against Judea. When people today speak of the almost two-thousand-year span of Jewish homelessness and exile, they are dating it from the failure of this revolt. 
    Study and read the Bible also  yourself. The Worship of false men, false news media, false gods and false religions is still not acceptable before God:

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