Wednesday, November 3

Come to Al-Walaja Friday and to Palestine this Christmas

1) A critical peace march in Al-Walaja Noon Friday, 5 November 2010. The local committee invites all activists to this critical event coming only 3 days before a key Israeli supreme court session that will rule about the wall that is being built to strangulate the village.  Attending thr march on Friday will help in drawing media attention to the now critical situation in this village. The local committee also asks people to attend the court on Monday starting at 9 AM. This is a critical period and teh local committee calls on making thsi peaceful march the largest ever to send a message: no to ethnic cleansing, no to separating villagers from their land.  For more information call Amar 0598939852 or Shireen 0522054595.

2) Palestinians call on all people of conscience: Come visit Palestine this Christmas

Palestinian civil society organizations and peace and human rights defenders and activists on the ground call on civil society organizations and people of conscience around the world to come to Palestine between December 22-28 for a week of fellowship and actions centered around Jerusalem. Palestinians throughout historic Palestine and in exile still believe in and work for peace based upon justice and trust that with the help of the international community we will achieve our peace and freedom and restore the values and principles that we share as human beings.

We invite you. We call upon you. Join us and be the change you want to see in this world.

Come join us this Christmas season as we pray and act for peace with justice in Jerusalem.  We believe in nonviolence as a way of life and an absolute powerful means of resistance.  We believe in International Law and Human Rights. We believe that every single one of us is a change maker, and nobody has the right to say I can’t do anything.  You will be accommodated locally and enjoy Palestinian hospitality and a full program of peace work, networking, and fellowship.

Local activist groups in Europe, North America, Latin America, and other parts of the world are organizing delegations.  Email us at if you would like to be connected to the organizing group in your country.

Al-Rowwad Cultural and Theatre Training Centre,
Alternative Information Center
BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights:
Bil’in Popular Resistance Committee
Friends of Freedom and Justice, Bil’in
Grassroots Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
Holy Land Trust:
International Solidarity Movement:
Open Bethlehem:
Palestinian Centre for Rapprochement between People www.PCR.PS
Palestine Justice Network
Palestine Solidarity Project
Popular Struggle Coordinating Committee
Siraj Center for Holy Land Studies,

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home  
Professor, Bethlehem and Birzeit Universities
Chairman of the Board, Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People,

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